Video: Zdeno Chara hits Max Pacioretty


Zdeno Chara of the Boston Bruins injures Max Pacioretty with a vicious hit.

Boston Bruins vs Montreal Canadiens

Bell Centre
March 8, 2011.

(Video posted on YouTube by Fel0096)
(AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Paul Chiasson)

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Steve Farnham
Born and raised in the Montreal area, Steve is an Associate Editor and Senior Writer at All Habs. Steve started playing hockey at the age of four, played as a goaltender as high as Junior AAA and was drafted to the QMJHL. When he isn’t writing about the Canadiens or twiddling with HTML code on the website, you can usually find him sharing his sarcasm on Twitter where he enjoys the never-ending hockey arguments. Steve also works as an analyst for Rogers Communications and enjoys the fact that his downtown office is only a five-minute walk from the Bell Centre. On the personal side; Animal Planet, poutine, the colour blue, the word ‘weaponized’ and Pepsi are just a few of Steve’s favourite things.


  1. Seeing this kid laying hurt on the ice and wondering if this meant the end of his career was heart wrenching. This type of hit is one of the reasons I stopped watching hockey a couple of years ago. Clearly this was either a late hit or interference. Why do the refs allow this to continue. If a player is not is posission of the puck, he should be untouchable — end of rule — that would bring back some meaning to the game.

  2. Karma is a bitch, careful what you do to others, it has a funny way of coming back to bite you in the ass, right Max. Chara hit Max in the bench, their momentum carried them into the partition, Chara did not hit Max into the partition. No suspension needed. Dont blame Chara for faulty rink design.

    • faulty rink desing yes! but being down 4-0 with 20 sec. left in the 2nd, he knew exactly where he was on the ice and wanted to unleash the furry. suspend him.

  3. It was a late hit and Chara put a little extra into it. It’s plain to see on the replays. Hockey players know that’s a dangerous part of the ice and you don’t see hits in that part of the rink of this magnitude very often. Yes it was the post that ultimately injured Paicoretty, but the shear force of the hit on a player who didn’t have the puck was to put it mildly….OVER THE TOP ! Bad things happen when you play that way !!

  4. To Chara
    that hit was very cheap max didnt even have the puck it was a ugly hit just because chara dosent like max it was a pay back for the overtime goal he scored there should be 5 games for that cheap hit.Lets see if hall gill hits you as hard as chara did and at the same place will see if you like it i dont think so why? Because it’s a cheap shot.

    • I wonder if the hearing Mike Murphy had with Bruins’ Zdeno Chara took all of 7 minutes, the same amount of time Max Pacioretty was unconscious. There’s no justification for the serious transgression he committed. Period. I’m not sure which video Mike Murphy watched but 1/2 of the planet saw the vicious check given by Chara. Chara had a bone to pick with Pacioretty, and he made sure that the ‘kid’ learned his lesson. It was definitely with intent and the body position and arm movements give credence to this. This shows how $$$$ will dictate the consequences of thuglike actions from a VIP.
      How obvious does it have to be, that preferential and privileged treatment was shown towards Chara. Chara is not above the law and should have consequences for his action. It is apparent that Chara along with some BRUINS need anger management therapy. Unsportsmanlike conduct, unacceptable, violent behaviour has now become the norm thanks to the lame decisions taken by executives like Mike Murphy. NHL officials better smarten up, unless they’re waiting to send flowers to a player’s funeral or to their bedside if paralyzed. Hockey is becoming ugly because the rules are not adequate or not enforced properly nor effectively. Blows to the head or injuries with intent are a serious cause of concern, not just for the player but also for the signal it sends to younger players who look up to these supposed role models. Bottom line, Chara deserved a suspension. This was the message to send to all. Zero tolerance. Think before you do something stupid, …Wake up and smell the coffee, hockey is to be played the right way,not Chara’s way.

  5. You have got to be kidding me… maybe you guys should all start watching golf I don’t think anyone get’s hurt their.. maybe pull a hamstring or something… yes it is unfortunate that he got hurt but it’s part of hockey, it wasn’t a dirty hit he just finished his check. Maybe the leauge should look at fixing the arena instead of stopping hit’s in hockey that is just ridiculous. Hitting is part of hockey, if you don’t believe it is then maybe they can start up a little girls league for you. You habs fans are embarassing to the rest of canada.. I mean come on… calling the cops about something you saw on t.v. Get a life, If you cant handle hits or seeing someone get hurt once a while change the channel and watch power rangers or care bears. The worst part is that everyone else in the hockey community blames all of canada for your poor excuse of a province, I wish you would have seperated from us long ago. O LAY O LAY THAT all the way to the bank.

  6. You must have had a few hits yourself, since can’t think straight. If you want us to SEPARATE, at least spell it right.

    • that’s all you came up with was my spelling….wow… next time I will use spell check, thanks for nothing frog

      • what a goofball you -“separate… what kinda crap is that? freakin’ leaf fan or something?… christ!…don’t be a moron. it was a bad hit.

        i’m sure he didn’t mean to injure him, and if youve ever played a period of hockey you’d know yeah sure people get carries away in the game and shit happens. but a suspension – 3 games maybe – is warranated. it’s like the highsticking rule. doesn’t really matter if it is intentional or not, you have to have control of your stick at any time… hit somebody with a highstick, get a penalty. here, same thing: unload a dirty, injury causing hit – get a suspension. be a man, take it. if it was totally intentional to cause injury, then the rest of the season would be warranted. but for this one… i don’t think so . but still, something should have been done…105 games somewhere. if you don’t do anything you just encourages retaliation…

        which we’re all looking froward too… the habs are gonna take the bruins out in the playoffs, and if ti gets asymmetrical either way, look for chara to be hit hard and hit dirty now…

      • what a goofball you -“separate… what kinda crap is that? freakin’ leaf fan or something?… christ!…don’t be a moron. it was a bad hit.

        i’m sure he didn’t mean to injure him, and if youve ever played a period of hockey you’d know yeah sure people get carries away in the game and shit happens. but a suspension – 3 games maybe – is warranated. it’s like the highsticking rule. doesn’t really matter if it is intentional or not, you have to have control of your stick at any time… hit somebody with a highstick, get a penalty. here, same thing: unload a dirty, injury causing hit – get a suspension. be a man, take it. if it was totally intentional to cause injury, then the rest of the season would be warranted. but for this one… i don’t think so . but still, something should have been done…105 games somewhere. if you don’t do anything you just encourages retaliation…

        which we’re all looking froward too… the habs are gonna take the bruins out in the playoffs, and if ti gets asymmetrical either way, look for chara to be hit hard and hit dirty now…

        • Pacioretty didn’t only shove Chara. He ran Henrik Lundqvist, knocked a Tampa player through an open door at the Montreal bench, and slew footed Adam Mcquaid. I don’t mind if somebody is a non-combatant, but it’s really irritating when a guy is cheap shotting and agitating, then answers the bell by turtling all over the ice. Hopefully everybody has learned a lesson from this, including pacioretty.

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