Your Guess Is As Good As Mine?????…..Grabovski, Halak, Brisebois In…..Lapierre, O’Byrne, Price Out


    A. Kostitsyn – Plekanec – Kovalev
    Latendresse – Koivu – Ryder
    Higgins – Grabovski – S. Kostitsyn
    Streit – Lapierre – Kostopoulos (RDS is reporting that Lapierre will be in the press box and Smolinski will remain in the lineup tonight???)
    Markov – Komisarek
    Hamrlik – O’Byrne (RDS is reporting that Brisebois will replace O’Byrne tonight??)
    Bouillon – Gorges

    Goaltender: Halak

    Scratches: Begin (flu and groin), Dandenault…….beyond that???????

    RDS is reporting that Patrice Brisebois will be replacing Ryan O’Byrne on the second defensive pairing with Roman Hamrlik. They are also reporting that Maxim Lapierre will get a seat in the press box with Grabovski in the lineup………I tend to think the RDS lineup is the truth.
    I honestly wished Guy Carbonneau would leave O’Byrne along side Hamrlik….he brings a more physical edge to the defense, something Brisebois hardly does!! I also like how Lapierre and Smolinski have played lately so it’s a toss up between the two!!!