You Could Win Draft Tickets


You would like to go to the 2009 NHL amateur draft but you don’t have tickets. What to do? Visit All Habs!

All Habs will be giving away 2 tickets (1 each) to two lucky winners. They are general admission tickets to the Bell Centre for the NHL draft.

To be eligible, you have to be in Montreal and available to go to the draft on Friday June 26th.

(Be sure that you are also planning to attend the Montreal draft tweetup at Ye Olde Orchard, 1189 de la Montagne on Saturday June 27 from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.)

It’s easy to enter. Choose one of two ways:

1. Be an All Habs member. On the All Habs website, scroll down until the All Habs Members section appears in the right red section. Click “Follow”. All current All Habs members are already entered.


2. On Twitter, send an @ reply to All_Habs. Be sure that you are following All_Habs so that I can DM you if you are a lucky winner.

Contest will close for entries on Sunday June 21, 2009 at 5:00 EDT. Winners will be chosen by random draw and notified on Monday June 22nd. Only the winners will be contacted.

Tickets must be picked up in person at Ye Olde Orchard on Friday June 26th at 4:00 p.m. Tickets not picked up will be forfeited and redistributed.

Good luck!