Wishful thinking, Top 10 list and Youppi


    An excerpt from the Vancouver Province (Tony Gallagher):

    Word that the Canucks had signed free agent forward Pavol Demitra to a two-year deal may not have convinced Mats Sundin to come to Vancouver Thursday, but it certainly couldn’t have hurt the sales pitch.

    And if the big centre decides to take the Canucks offer in either the one-year or two-year form, this team would not only have become pretty competitive short term, but it will have bought two years extra time to improve both its drafting and player development, which needed improvement even by former GM Dave Nonis’s analysis.

    Source: Demitra signing sweetens deal for Sundin


    It’s going to take more than signing Pavel Demitra to persuade Mats Sundin to sign with the WEST COAST Vancouver Canucks!!!

    Most hockey “experts” would be surprised if Sundin sign with the Canucks for the many reasons I’ve already mentioned in previous articles (I won’t bore you by repeating them again)……..Oh what the hell, let’s put a humorous spin or top 10 list (in no particular order) on the reasons for Sundin not choicing Vancouver over Montreal:

    1. Extra travelling, waiting in airports and airline food!!!
    2. Lousy team with no chance to win Lord Stanley’s precious cup.
    3. Too much rain in Vancouver!!!
    4. Restaurants are better in Montreal.
    5. No Chez Paris strip club or great night life in Vancouver.
    6. GM Place can’t compare to the Bell Centre for ambiance and fan support.
    7. French/Quebec women…….it’s true what you’ve heard, they’re beautiful and………..I think you know where I’m going!!!
    8. Great smoke meat, bagels and did I mention the women in Montreal.
    9. Youppi……….no, forget that one…..sorry!!!
    10. The Canadiens have the deeper team and aren’t a mirror image of the Toronto Maple Laffs.

    Take care folks and enjoy the weekend!!!!!