What to do with a Problem Employee?


by Rick Stephens, AllHabs.net

There’s an employee in the office. You know the one. Scarlett Gomier has been one of the best in the past but lately her production has fallen off. What should we do with her?

I guess it all started when I tried out some temps on the project team with her and Brianna. Okay, I realize now that the new girls didn’t have any complimentary skills. In retrospect, maybe that wasn’t my best idea.

It’s odd. She’s seems to be trying but nothing is happening.  It’s like you need a graduate degree in psychology to understand these people.

Next thing I did was separate her from Brianna. They have worked so well together for so long. But when Scarlett was going through a rough patch, I didn’t know what else to do. I guess it was a panic move. I’m questioning myself about it now.

But really, is it my job to motivate these people?

So then I called her into my office and yelled at her for awhile. I did it just loud enough for everyone to hear. She yelled back. That didn’t seem to work either.

Something good did come out of that though. Word is out that Scarlett is a problem employee. At least they aren’t pointing fingers at me.

Yep, there’s lots of anger. Some say I should just fire her. Others say I should just send her to the mail room.

I like the people who are telling me to move her desk in the corner, and make her watch the rest of us work. Now that would be funny!

I blame Babs for this whole mess anyway. She’s the one who brought Scarlett here in the first place. Oh sure, we got Brianna and Connie because of the hire but it’s that Scarlett who is always challenging my strategies.

Scarlett keeps saying that the industry has changed since July 13, 2005. I don’t even know what that means. I manage the way I’ve always managed.  Old-school, my ass!  At least Holly understands.

Besides, isn’t it Kirsty’s job to deal with all these employee matters? What kind of assistant is she anyway? She just has to flash a smile and they all seem to listen to her. Kirsty this and Kirsty that, I just wanna puke.

But at least I have superb penmanship. Kirsty doesn’t. Lord knows what that has to do with my job, but for some reason they value it around here, so I guess I’m safe.

Anyway, enough of this chit-chat. I have to get the schedule ready. Pass me that hat will you?

Let’s see who works with Scarlett tomorrow. First name drawn is Connie. Well, she’ll like that. Next name picked is… Brianna? What?

Hang on. You didn’t see that. Let’s try it again. Okay, look at the name on this one. It’s Tracey. Much better!!

Problem solved! I have to write that down. Now where’s my damn notepad?


  1. This article is definatly what we needed to “Lighten” up the mood for how most habs fans are feeling about “Scarlett”

    I couldnt stop laughing while reading this… Great Article, love it :)

    Anxious to see what will happen next with “Scarlett”;-)

  2. Well, Scarlett helped in the accomplishment of a project last night. I wonder if it had something to do with the “talk” she had with her superiors, but more important, I wonder if she’ll still be the main topic of conversation during lunch breaks.

    To me it is a good first step, but now she needs to show some consistency…

    Ps: great article

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