Video: Montreal Canadiens 2011-12, The Road So Far


MONTREAL, QC. — It’s just past the half-way point of the Montreal Canadiens 2011-12 season. So what’s happened so far? Saying that there has been some drama is an understatement.

So long Perry Pearn. Adieu Jacques Martin! Welcome Randy Cunneyworth! And on the ice, the Habs, once again, have been led by their MVP, Carey Price who notched his 100th win. Add to that the contributions of their best forward Erik Cole, Andrei Kostitsyn who has dominated at times, and the emergence of Lars Eller.

Using images and hi-lights from the first half of the season, All Habs Video Editor Sara A. has created a dynamic video compilation to trigger your favorite memories, re-ignite your passion for the Canadiens, and to set the stage for the second half of the Habs NHL season.

If you like this video be sure to check out Habs Kaberle + Emelin = KA-BOOM! and Habs 2011-12, Time to Rise.  You can be the first to see our latest videos by subscribing to the All Habs YouTube channel.



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