Valentenko: I was tired of promises and buses


    Vacationing in the off-season. Just thought the female readership would appreciate this photo.

    Below is an article written by Habs prospect, Pavel Valentenko in his blog. He tries to explains why he left the Canadiens organization to sign with Dynamo Moscow where he currrently plays.

    Here’s the article:

    Haven’t been here in awhile. A lot of things have occurred since the last time I wrote a blog. I am not with the Bulldogs any more. Had to make a change. More about it later.

    We just won the Spengler Cup. Had a great time playing in that tournament. Faced the Canadian team – some familiar faces on it. Won right before the New Year. Celebrated in Switzerland. My celebration was kind of dull – I suffered an injury – ripped some ligaments in my back. I will be rehabbing and not playing for about 4 to 6 weeks. The team played well. Everything clicked. I am upset about the injury. 4-6 weeks of bed rest is boring.

    Do go out on certain nights to get something to eat. I live at the team’s base (dorms). Moscow is great – what a beautiful city. Things are just happening here. Clubs, restaurants, bars. But… it’s not all for me. I do go out to eat – sushi and steak majority of the time. And Russian food of course! I actually did go to a club here in Moscow once – awesome place – music, interior design, people. But it was not me – smoking is allowed inside – I hate it. Plus I do prefer just chilling, instead of the “happening” things.

    Have visited my parents three times. They greeted me well. Mom’s cooking is the best!
    The KHL actually is kind of weird to me. More space, more passing; really not used to it. The level of hockey is good, I just really have to get used to it. Have to admit – I like Canadian style of hockey a lot more.

    I am definitely not planning on forgetting English. And there was no chance to do it – a ton of foreign players on the team.

    Why I left. You have heard the reasons already. Don’t have much to add. I was extremely lonely. Honestly, got tired of buses and promises of “getting a call up”. That’s all I had to deal with there – promises, promises, promises and buses, buses, buses.

    I did not cut Canadiens off completely. My contract here allows me to leave after two years. Then I might entertain the idea of going back. If someone will want me.

    I do appreciate all of the warm comments from the Habs fans here. Some of the posters (ForzaRussia) have to understand – it was not about Russia vs. Canada, or Dynamo vs. Canadiens. It was simply a personal decision; something that was the right thing to do for my family and I.


    1. It’s unfortunate we had to lose him, but every young player has to go through the system, unless your the Sydney Crosby. Everyone does it, and so should he.

    2. You are right YourHabs. The prospects must go through the system but it is the responsibility of the organization to communicate plans and expectations.

      With Carbonneau’s infatuation with Brisebois in overdrive, it must be difficult for prospects to know what their place is and what is expected. Because clearly, talent, skill and performance is not a predictor of advancing in the organization.

      Valentenko was one of the most difficult defenseman to play against and won the hardest shot competition in the AHL last year. Couldn’t he have been valuable to Price’s crease and the power play at some point this year?

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