Unleash Big League Hunger

(Photo by REUTERS/Christinne Muschi)

Written by LadyE, AllHabs

MONTREAL, QC — She knows what it takes.

Recently my daughter had her very first figure skating competition. It was a synchronized routine with 14 other girls.

They had been practicing for months.

No one had prepared them for the nervousness they would be feeling while waiting for their turn to go on the ice and show their stuff.

This was a good nervousness, because they knew that they had to give it their all to get a medal.

That was their goal. A lofty one at that since this was their first time competing.

The stands were teeming with people cheering on the synchro teams and when the time came for our girls to go out there, they were ready.

The words of encouragement and my “Go Get ‘Em” attitude helped.

They stepped on the ice, the music started, they grouped together and skated their routine flawlessly. In this world, not falling is a bonus!

Once the applause subsided and they got off the ice, they were told that they garned fourth place.

The girls started celebrating! A great result for a neophyte synchro team!

My daughter though, was already planning.

She was busy making mental notes on what needs to be worked on and what needs to get better so that in the next competition,  they get a medal.

That is what I call competitive hunger.

My daughter, all of 10 years old, gets it.

Her experience compelled her to completely focus on the future. The big, bright, and determined future.

This past week, the Habs traded Hal Gill to the Nashville Predators for forwards Blake Geoffrion, Robert Slaney, and a second round draft pick in 2012.

This trade,  although saddened me, shows me that right now, it is the future of the Bleu, Blanc, Rouge that is of utmost importance.

(Photo by REUTERS/Christinne Muschi)

What is the big, bright, and determined future with Montreal? Carey Price, Josh Gorges, P.K. Subban, Max Pacioretty, Lars Eller, David Desharnais, Louis Leblanc, and Blake Geoffrion.

Leblanc and Geoffrion have both tasted the allure of the big league, much like my daughter’s taste of what competition truly is.

And they are hungry.

If a playoff run is completely out of reach, then let the remainder of the season play out as a tryout for the young players to show this hunger for being in the “big league.”

Let it become a showcase for the up and coming talent and let it become a breeding ground for future seasons.

Let’s see more of what these young guns have to offer.

Learning, growing, and building toward a better future.

That is the aspiration.

That is big league hunger.


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