TSN: Canadiens re-sign Gorges, five Bulldogs


Habster’s take:

This signings are good news for a few reasons. Anyone of these players could be used in a trade package (especially Yann Danis) or could help the Habs in case of injuries. Jean- Philippe Cote could win the 7th defenseman position on the Canadiens if he has a strong training camp while Duncan Milroy did not look out of place when he was called up last season. Corey Locke had a good AHL season and an even better AHL playoff to help the Bulldogs capture the Calder Cup. Josh Gorges will be a solid if unspectacular player who will battle for the 6-7 positions on the blue line this year. If anything, the Hamilton Bulldogs will have another strong team to help defend the Calder Cup.

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