Top 5: Best (and Worst) Anthems in the NHL


by Katherine, Author Emeritus, All Habs Hockey Magazine


aatopfiveMONTREAL, QC. — Still recovering from Game 3? In order to distract you from thinking about how your heart is going to survive Game 4, let me bore you with a totally meaningless and totally non-objective and totally random ranking of random national anthems featured in the playoffs. I really tried to keep it to this year’s playoffs, but I failed because it’s hard to actually pick a top five and a bottom five.

Top 5 Anthems

  1. Ginette Reno (did I mention this was totally non-objective?)

Sure, a lot of people think she’s old-fashioned. Sure, that vibrato could probably knock you over. And sure, I’m (super) biased… but c’mon. The emotion she brings to the building is incredible. I love her and I wish we could keep her forever (except, not really forever otherwise we’ll end up being like the Flyers with Kate Smith and we don’t want that.)


  1. Apparently I’m not allowed to pick Ginette Reno again so…. Jim Cornelison (Chicago)

He pretty much hits it out of the ballpark every time. Hard not to dislike him.

  1. The whole thing in Winnipeg for Game 3

Maybe I was just distracted by the sea of white and all the screaming fans and whole the “TRUTH NORTH!!!” part, but I thought it was great.

  1. Mark Donnelly (Vancouver)

Honestly, I’m a bit on the fence about whether I like Mark Donnelly’s actual singing BUT he gets bonus points for letting the crowd sing (interpret that however you want) and I’m kind of a sucker for the crowd singing (when it’s done right.)

  1. Are you sure I can’t just pick Ginette Reno again? No? Well, I can’t pick…. You pick!

There’s tons of people who do admirable jobs. Some of them you’re like “oh if only I wasn’t distracted by the sea of fans of a team I despise then I’d be able to enjoy this more” and some of them are like “well, that went better than I thought it would! Go you!” But trying to pick ONE to put in the top five is hard work and I’m national anthem-ed out. Please leave your choice in the comments section below.

Bottom 5 Anthems

  1. John Amirante (New York – Madison Square Garden)

He makes my ears hurt. Nice suit (?) though.

  1. Kate Smith (Philadelphia)

I know the Flyers aren’t in the playoffs, but the lady traumatizes me.  She’s been dead since 1986 and she still scares the living crap out of me. Just thinking about Kate Smith scares me. I can’t have a bottom five without putting Kate Smith here. Excuse me while I go into hiding from angry Flyers fans now.

  1. The Fans Singing the Anthems in Game 1 of the Predators / Blackhawks game

I’m all for getting the fans to sing the anthems. Sometimes it turns out really awesome. This wasn’t one of those times though.

  1. Can I pick Rene Rancourt? Please?

I know the dude’s a big icon in Boston. But I’m a Habs fan who has seen WAY too much of him over the years. He drives me insane. Or maybe it’s just the fact that seeing Rene Rancourt means I’m also seeing the Bruins who not-so-coincidentally also drive me insane.

  1. If I had to pick someone/something from this year’s playoffs then I’ll have to pick Jeff Jimerson (Pittsburgh).

He kind of hurts my ears too.


  1. You forgot Robert Goulet who sang O Canada with the music of ” O Christmas Tree” He recieved a call from Jean Chretien and had to appologize as his ancestors are Canadian…. It was awfull and embarassing at the same time since they anounced him as a Canadian , will never forget that humilation. Nobody talked about the game , a play Off game of course.

    • That’s true. If the article was historic in nature rather than being a current look, I’m sure that the author would have included it. As she likely would have included Roger Doucet as one of the best anthem singers.Thanks for your comment.

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