Top 10 Patrick Roy retirement ceremony moments you either missed or hoped to see



    Below is my Top 10 list of things you either missed or should have seen at the Patrick Roy’s jersey retirement ceremony… we go:

    #10- Before greeting the always classy and the saintly Jean Béliveau, Roy grabbed four hot dogs from nearby fans and stuff them down his throat before letting out a huge belch!!

    #9- Jonathan Roy unsuccessfully tried to goat Carey Price and Jaroslav Halak into fights, instead he picked a fight with the 10 Atom goalies who beat the snot out of Johnnie Boy!!!!

    #8- Angelo Esposito was reportedly seen throwing peanut to the crowd with a sign on his back which stated: “I’ll work for peanuts if you draft me, Mr. Gainey…….errrr……I mean trade for me”

    #7- Patrick Roy didn’t want to use the Canadiens dressing room as his grand entrance because Brian Hayward was seen in full equipment waiting for his jersey retirement ceremony.

    #6- A three week vacation itinerary/planner was seen “sticking” out of Frédérick Roy’s back pocket during the ceremony….if he’s going to a banana republic country, he might want to pack his hockey sticks as a lethal weapon.

    #5- One player who won’t have to worry about planning his jersey retirement ceremony is Ryan “own goal” O’Byrne……sorry, but I’m really pissed off while I’m writing this list plus I couldn’t think of a #5 for the list!!!!!

    #4- Roy’s grand entrance into the Bell Centre was delayed when he was ambushed by Mario Tremblay and Ronald Corey who were waiting for his arrival wearing Red Wings jerseys.

    #3- Maybe I missed it (please correct me if I did), but did you hear Patrick Roy thank the Gillett family, the Canadiens organization, Pierre Boivin or even Bob Gainey during his speech. Maybe he thanked them before the ceremony but with that being said, he should have shown his gratitude during the ceremony, in full view of the world. It was as if he thought he was bigger than them and the honour was overdue while other Hab greats like Robinson, Savard, Gainey, Dryden, Moore, Geoffrion and Cournoyer had to wait far too long for the same honour. True gentlemen in every sense of the word, something that can’t be said for Roy.

    #2- You would think “Saint” Patrick would throw some love in the direction of his former teammates from the 1986 and 1993 Stanley Cup teams by inviting them onto the ice during the ceremony……not a chance for the ego centric “Saint”. Instead, he invited his former Habs head coaches (Jacques Demers, Jean Perron and Pat Burns) who coddled the self absorbed Roy throughout his playing career in the Bleu, Blanc et Rouge…… tells you everything you need to know about Mr. Roy, when he values his former coaches more than his former teammates….enough said!!!

    #1- An apology from the not so humble Roy to the Hab faithful who worshipped his every move on the ice……simple saying the word “sorry” would have sufficed, Patrick, for walking out on the fans, your teammates and the team that took a chance on you in the third round of the 1984 draft!!


    1. Hey Habster! I liked this!!

      So many good points!

      Roy is so ego drive and craves the spotlight. I would have liked to hear him apologize. He also doesnt realize that Gillett, Gainey and others did not take the easy path in deciding to honour Roy at this time and they deserved to be thanked.

      I noticed that Demers, Perron and Burns all did a good amount of ass kissing which would have pleased Roy.

      It’s interesting that Frederick’s suspension was announced today.

    2. Sigh, what a disgrace your comments are to the legend that is Patrick Roy. Either fans will back him up 110% or they are jealous of what he has accomplished, apparently your the latter in this case.

      It’s not like Roy organizes his own retirement ceremony. Heck he didn’t even know that he was going to use the same entrace door as the fans till minutes before he walked through the doors.

      Oh well… most of us know of his greatness and others will simply be jealous till the end of time.

    3. Anonymous,

      The list was a combination of humour and serious undertones.

      I agree that Patrick Roy will always be considered one of hockey’s greatest goalies, but with that being said, hockey historians will also look at what he did off the ice as well.

      If only Patrick could control his ego and temper, then his legacy would be more fondly remembered.

      As a hockey fan, I alway base my opinions on a players on ice performance and that is why Roy is very deserving of his awards and recognition. Unfortunately, it’s his behavior off the ice which demeans or places a blemish on those accomplishments.

      As far as his retirement ceremony is concerned, Roy or any former player have a lot of input concerning how they would like the ceremony done. If Patrick wanted his former teammates more involved in the ceremony then it would have been done….no question about it.

      The fact Roy didn’t thank the Gillett family or Bob Gainey during the ceremony says everything you need to know about the man.

      Am I jealous of Roy? Not one bit, just disappointed in a hockey legend who truly dropped the ball when he had every reason to be a better person off the ice, where it really matters!!!

      Playing a kids game doesn’t impress me, being a good person, family man and teammate away from the spotlight is a true indicator of a legend.

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