Tim Thomas Drops Andrei Kostitsyn


Andrei Kostitsyn gets a questionable five minute boarding penalty for a shoulder to shoulder hit. Kostitsyn also didn’t leave his feet on the play.

While Tim Thomas cross checks Andrei in the neck/head area and then tries to use his stick again on Josh Gorges who is tied up with a Bruins player…..he only gets a two minute penalty


  1. Hope your joking…Thomas never used the stick in the check. Then, he goes to try and pull Gorges player off the bruin, the stick contact was purely incidental.
    2 min for roughing was a good call, though I agree with what Thomas did.

    Also the hit on Ward, while not really deserving of a 5 min major, was unnecessary. Ward had already cleared the puck and was in no position to defend himself. You don’t hit players from behind, esspecially those who have recently come off of IR.

  2. First, I want to thank “Rocket”, for coming to a Bruins discussion board and leaving a link to this wonderful habs blog site.

    You can all thank your buddy “Rocket”.

    Second, I would like to say that watching Tim Thomas not only rob the habs over and over, but just how awesome it was to watch him lay out one of the dirty brothers.

    This was awesome, but not nearly as awesome as the Ceremony for Patrick Roy night. And when i say “ceremony”…I mean the celebration the Bruins had on YOUR ice, in front of YOUR Hof’ers, in front of YOUR retired goalie, in YOUR city, IN YOUR FACE.

    It probably reminded Patrick Roy of how he LOST 5 out of 6 playoff series against the Bruins in his career.

    So, now that the Providence Bruins have proven they can beat the dirty habs, whats left?

    We wooped the habs ass 6-1. Then they cant beat us on their OWN home ice, for a RETIREMENT ceremony!?!?! Pathetic!!!!!! And then….we beat the underacheiving habs with our minor league system!!!!!!!!!


    Have a great day.

  3. Also, if you watch the video you closely you can tell that Thomas hit Kostitsyn in more of the shoulder/high chest area…Kostitsyns head doesn’t snap back, the whole body goes down.

    Oh, and if it had been a cross check to the neck or face noone would have been able to get up that quickly.

  4. Hey Anonymous,

    Thomas’ trapper, blocker and stick were all in play so maybe saying cross check wasn’t the right wording, but it was intentional on his part.

    I’ve tried to find a You tube video of the Kostitsyn hit to post but there isn’t one yet.

    I’ve seen the hit numerous times and I would have to disagree with you as Ward was playing the puck when Kostitsyn made his hit.

    If you watch the hit, you’ll see that Kost didn’t leave his feet and it was a shoulder to shoulder hit for the most part.

    I agree that hitting from behind is something which should be strictly enforced. But if a player is trying to finish his check and the target player turns his back at the last second then where is the fairness in the how it’s enforced by the officials.

    Anon, when you say: “especially those who have recently come off of IR”…..should we post signs on player’s back with that information. Let’s be honest, Ward coming off IR is irrelevant to the hit.

    With all honesty, it would be a great idea to place a stop sign symbols on the back of players jerseys like minor hockey does,to remind players to think before they hit.

    The NHL and the NHLPA need to do a better job of educating the players. In minor hockey (atom, peewee, bantam,…..etc), players are taught to go into the corners on an angle with their shoulders exposed as opposed to going straight with your back exposed,something a lot of players aren’t doing.

    There is also the lack of respect as well, something that is completely loss in the heat of the battle….sad!!

    Anyhow, enough said and thanks for the comment!!

  5. Anon,

    I agree that the Bruins are playing great hockey right now but humility is a great quality which I think you need to work on.

    You tend to forget all those playoff losses and the 12 straight losses over the last season and a half by your Bruins…..selective memory…..LOL!!

    Isn’t this great, a Bruins and Habs fan debating over their teams performances….the rivalry is finally back!!

  6. Good arguments, my biggest thing really is that I don’t think it’s fair to Thomas what you have posted as the description of the video. Perhaps he was out of line(in fact he said he overreacted), but with the B’s losing two players last year to hits from behind, he was just trying to protect his teammate, and I feel any player worth his weight on any team would have done the same thing(in fact it if it wasn’t for Thomas, Chara looked like he was about to have at it with Kost).

    Stop signs would be good.

    I haven’t been able to find a video of the hit on Ward, I only saw it during the game/replays, so I can’t say wether or not it was shoulder shoulder or hit to back…either way I would say it was a questionable hit. I’ll have to search for it for a second veiwing.

    As for IR, as a player you do always have that in the back of your mind, as to who was recently on it, though you are right about the fact it didn’t really have any bearing on the hit.

  7. Also, I don’t know who the second guy that posted is but he’s an ass.

    All the clear thought out posts above on the bruins side are from me.

    P.S. sorry for the long post above.

  8. Anon,

    As I mentioned, I tried to find a video of the hit to be fair for argument’s sake, but couldn’t find one.

    If you find a You Tube video, please send it to my email at sp7255@gmail.com or allhabs@gmail.com and I’ll post it on the site!!

    As far as Thomas’ hit against Kost, goaltenders should leave the defending to the forwards. Though, Kost is luck it was only Thomas and not,in my opinion, the league’s best fighter in Zdeno Chara….LOL!!!

  9. No problem!! I could tell the difference from your intelligent, well thought out comments from an overly excitable Bruin fanatic!

    Like my fellow All Habs writers (Rocket and Big Brother),I love a good hockey debate, especially with an original six hockey fan like yourself.

    Feel free to express those ideas anytime,it’s a plaesure talking to you (though it would be nice if you put a fictitious name to the comment in the future,just for recognition purposes…LOL)

  10. A few more quick things.
    1. Any way you could change the description under the video to make Thomas sound less like a lunatic, and more like the good, emotional hockey player that he is.
    2. I will keep my eyes open for a vid of the hit.
    3. There are much better fighter than Chara…he’s just to big to be challenged really.
    4. I ejoy a nice debate to, esspecially one where any number of insults are hurled at me because I have love for a certain sports team…though I do still “hate” the habs lol!
    5. I look forward to Feb 1. Your ice matinee game.
    6. I didn’t know I could add a name, that has been remedied.

  11. Hey Alex and Anon..

    Its good to see your comments on All Habs. I’m glad that you accepted my ‘polite invitation’ to visit. I do appreciate a good hockey debate, especially with an original six rival. You are welcome here anytime!

    I have watched the Kostitsyn hit on Ward many times now. I prefer to watch it at normal speed the way the referees would see it. I can’t understand how the refs called it a major. In fact, they didnt make the call until Thomas reacted.

    The hits from behind that the league really has to punish are the ones where the player is about one foot from the boards facing the glass. Those are dangerous. Ward wasn’t in that situation at all. Kostitsyn had no intent other than to finish his check and make a hockey play.

    No penalty in my opinion.

    In contrast, the league should punish more severely the retaliation that has clear violent intent involved. I don’t have a problem with players showing passion but when they use their sticks to express that emotion, they should be punished.

  12. To the Rocket-
    No problem on being polite, I’m not going to come to a Habs forum/site and be an internet tough guy, I will act just as I would expect you and your collegues to if you were on a bruins site. Sure are two teams hate each other, and the fans hate each other as well during the game, but when the games over being a goon on the internet(see post two) doesn’t prove or change anything.

    Some of my best friends are from Montreal, and while I disagree on them and “hate” them during the game, we are still great friends outside of it. Real hockey fans can discuss the sport they love with respect to one another, even if they don’t like the each other at all during the game, because you don’t know what the person is really like. Alot of people need to understand this.

    As for the hit on Ward. The whole game was physical, players on both sides chose to play the body instead of the puck, and that is to be expected in such a heated game. However, there was a delayed penalty on Kost right after he made the hit.

    As for Thomas. Alot of players use the stick to take out there emotion during the game. It’s an unfortunate part of the game. That being said, you can clearly see from the replay that Thomas has his trapper and blocker together on the stick. When he hit Kost he hit him with the gloves, and in the chest. You can see that when he is hit his right shoulder goes back and he loses his balance and falls. I would doubt Thomas was trying to deliberatly injure Kost, had he wanted to he would have cross checked him. It was more of a “you don’t make those hits”, statement, and I would expect any Montreal player to do the same if stuck in a similar situation.

    Also when Thomas goes over to Gorges I the stick contact looks purely incidental. He is just trying to rip him off of the Bruins player, and hasn’t dropped the stick. Once he realizes that Gorges is not attacking the B’s player, and is merely trying to seperate him from the scrum Thomas backs off.

    Let’s keep this going. I am enjoying it.

  13. Hey Alex,

    Well thought out and written comments.

    Take a look at the new video clip that I posted and see if you if change your mind. It is more complete.

    A penalty was being assessed but did the official really intend to call a major until Thomas came flying out of his crease?

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