Tanguay saved from the Flames



    Over the last few days, All Habs readers have noticed that I’m posting more french print media articles in both the cruelty Google translated version and in the original form. I will try my best to give a better paraphrased translation of the articles.

    I read all Montreal newspapers on a daily basis and will try my best to give Canadiens fans a more complete coverage of their team, but unfortunately there just isn’t enough time in the day to cover such a large media contingent (probably the NHL largest!!!) by one blogger who has a full time job that pays the bills….LOL!!!

    With that being said, La Presse writer Marc Antoine Godin interviewed the very cerebral, Alex Tanguay and gets some insightful quotes from the former Flame who believes the Eastern Conference plays a more wide open, fast pace skating style that suits his game better than the Western Conference which he thinks plays a more defensively structured and physical style.

    Tanguay also goes on to say that he likes playing for Guy Carbonneau because he uses the team’s strength (offensively gifted players) and adapts the team’s system around that style. He also stated that Carbonneau leaves his players alone as long as they play hard every game.

    Tanguay talks glowingly about his kiss of the Stanley Cup in 2001 with the Colorado Avalanche along side players like Roy, Sakic, Forsberg and Bourque and wants to help bring the Cup to Montreal. He also discusses his All-Star nomination and doesn’t believe he has a good chance to make the Team Canada roster for the 2010 Olympics.

    La Presse: Tanguay sauvé des flammes


    1. Habster, you do a fine job providing access to a wide variety of Canadiens news and information.

      I’m back now from my few days in sick bay and should be able to lend a hand with what I do best: being direct and stimulating debate! :)

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