Sundin/Rangers Makes Perfect Sense


    An excerpt from (Howard Berger):

    If there’s a team and a situation screaming for the veteran center man, it’s the Rangers and the city of New York. To begin with, Sundin loves the Big Apple. I remember him telling me a few years ago that he was more excited to see New York than any other city when he arrived as an NHL rookie in 1990. He’s played some terrific games at Madison Square Garden during his career, and he always makes himself available to sign autographs outside the Garden when the Leafs play there. A long, winding ramp spirals downward from the area of the visitors’ dressing room, and leads to an exit on the 8th Ave. side of the building. Mats routinely spends 10 to 15 minutes scrawling his name for hockey fans that gather near the team bus – many of whom are draped in Rangers’ garb. He would be a natural on Broadway, and would be greeted by a more lively home audience; the Air Canada Centre is a monastery most nights when compared to MSG.