Skating with the Habs – Lady E’s Action Plan


Written by LadyE,

MONTREAL, QC — I read the email ten times. Each time my name is there. Never changes. It is my email. Should I print it to make it more real? No, it’s real.

I won tickets to skate with THE HABS on Sunday November 27 at the Bell Centre.

I leap from my chair to celebrate with the whole office, and my announcement is trumped by screams of joy from one of my co-workers. She just won tickets too.

Just how many people are going to this Habs skate? It’s not just me and 20 Habs getting familiar with each other? Nudge. Nudge. Wink. Wink. I trust I don’t have to share the ice with too many.

Still, even if I must share these rare physical specimens, this is simply incredible.

My co-worker has never skated before. I could teach her, or I could just stand her in the corner and remind her how painful falling is. Time is limited. I think I’ll have to ditch her.

My mind is racing. A thousand questions. What will I wear?

I’ve got it. Each has to think that they are my favourite. So I will wear numbered jerseys on top of more numbered jerseys. I don’t want to look bulky though. Maybe just 5 sweaters.

I’ll have to start with my warrior.

“Hey, Josh! I got your sweater on. Oh, and look, I wrote this little story about you where you’re a Spartan Warrior. Oh sure, I have extra copies.”

In the distance, by the player’s bench is a waiter: “A bench for two for Gorges?”

“Oh look Josh, it’s a chardonnay and a couple of wine glasses. Why, who could have ordered this for us?”

After a quick wine and cheese, I’ll get Josh to sign my jersey.

Perfect. No, perfectly dreamy.

Four jerseys on now. I’ll tell my co-worker still standing in the corner to hold them while I pare down one by one.

There’s Brian Gionta. Number 21 now on display.

“My Captain! Oh Captain! Yes, sign right here on the CH. Oh no, don’t worry about those. Harder Brian. These sharpies don’t always work without a little manly push.”

Just spotted P.K. Subban. Number 76.

“PK baby. Love you, man! You rock! Can you sign my jersey? Right here. Yes.”

Meanwhile, my friend is looking so silly standing in the corner carrying a bunch of jerseys. She looks like she’s totally exploiting this once in a lifetime opportunity. Sad really! I’ll have to have a talk with her.

Oh, there’s Carey Price. Number 31.

“Carey!! Huge fan over here!! I never gave up on you baby! Love you! Yes, sign right here. I’m your biggest fan. Yeah, that’s right. Thanks man! Love the masks!!!”

Raphael Diaz comes out onto the ice. Oh my God, this is ridiculous! They’re swarming this dream boat like flies on a piece of meat. Time to rock his world with some German.

Note to self: Learn some German.

Actually, I don’t have much time to do some serious research on all of them!

“Yeah, I love jazz fusion too, Josh. Boy, you don’t find a lot of people who love jazz fusion.”

That would definitely be the closer.

I can’t wait for the 27th. A skate with the Habs. Wow!

I hope I’m not going in with overly high expectations.



  1. its going to be a great experience skating with some top quality NHL players! enjoy every moment of it! congrats well deserved!

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