Rocket Power in NZ: Habs Fan Uses Kiwi Spirit to Promote Movember


There is one week left in this year’s Movember campaign and it’s not too late to get involved. A week to grow that perfect stache isn’t ideal, but the month is not all about moustaches. In a nutshell, it is a month to raise awareness and money towards improving men’s health, an issue that has been chronically under-reported and under-funded.

You can make a donation, start your own fundraiser and spread the message. In short, get involved!

We have heard of many interesting projects from Habs fans and hockey fans alike. But we thought this one was a little different.

Like many Movember participants, Andy is raising money and awareness of prostate cancer, testicular cancer and men’s mental health issues. He has been taking part in various sporting events to raise funds and to spread the message “If in doubt, get it checked out!” It’s his way of contributing and trying to connect with the Movember campaign here in North America.

You see, Andy is a Habs fan in New Zealand.


by Andy McInnes , Guest Contributor to All Habs Hockey Magazine

THAMES, NZ. — Hey all, I’m Andy, proud Scotsman who has been living in New Zealand for the past ten years. I was asked to participate in Movember on the 31st October and thought, yeah, okay I’ll give it a shot, but unlike the last time I participated (2007) I would try and do something different this time. So what I came up with was the idea to participate in various sports, really just to raise awareness of men’s, and women’s health issues, but in particular prostate and testicular cancer, as well as mental health issues.

d0f24f7dc8e786d29e59503493706b6f-52894b51e3f2dI live in a small rural town in the country’s North Island, which is a great little community with lot’s of great opportunies to get involved in sport so the options were pretty extensive. So rather than just take part in the sports, I’ve been doing a bit of attention seeking as well, getting dressed up and basically making a bit of a fool of myself, all in the name of charity, and more importantly getting the message across of “If in doubt, get it checked out.”

So far what I have done is played soccer with two of our rival soccer clubs, Thames FC and Waihi AFC, and for my pleasure I played in an England jersey, which is probably comparable to a Habs fan playing in a Leafs jumper. Next up was a 10-km. run wearing a Habs jersey. Why the Habs jersey? Well why not! I don’t really get much opportunity to wear it, and I really wanted to reach those people who maybe didn’t really have the right gear, or who couldn’t afford the right gear, and tell them it doesn’t matter, just get out their and do it. Anyway, the run took place in pretty warm conditions, maybe 25 or 26 degrees, but hey I so enjoyed wearing that jersey in public, and for sure it stood out.

Next up was an aerobics session, wearing my eighties aerobics gear, which got quite a few chuckles from the ladies, and to be honest, I have the co-ordination and rhythm of a drunken elephant! My next challenge is as a non-swimmer, taking part in a ‘Learn to Swim’ class at the local swimming pool with a group of 6-11 year-olds, followed by a 25m race at the local club’s race night. The night after I am taking part in a mixed netball game, but seemingly I am the only one taking part wearing the appropriate netball gear courtesy of the ladies at the Thames Netball Club! One final event is taking part in a kettle class, which really is to get those who are maybe socially isolated to get out there and do something where not only will they keep fit, but where they will meet and mix with other people and feel part of a community group.

So, that’s it, that’s what I’m doing.

‘Why the Habs,’ I hear you ask?

Well as I’ve mentioned, I’m originally from Scotland, and my wife and I used to go and watch the Fife Flyers. After moving to New Zealand I never really had much opportunity to watch ice hockey, until one day I stumbled upon it on satellite TV. It was the final of the Stanley Cup between the Canucks and the Bruins, and whilst enjoying the games I couldn’t really find any affinity for either of those two teams. So I did a bit of homework, read up about the NHL, the history, the main players etc.

41013d60dd515400faa2e4d3777bf636-52894b3850776I then went on to various forums, and asked the members ‘why should a person follow your team’, and finally I emailed various teams asking if I could purchase any team posters or trading cards used for promotional purposes. All this led me to following the Montreal Canadiens. Their supporters had a real passion for their team, and would back them no matter the circumstances, and as for the history and the hurdles that the Habs have had to endure, well really it was a no-brainer. Receiving an envelope in my mail box, complete with a ‘CH’ sticker, and P.K. Subban, Josh Gorges and Tomas Plekanec trading cards, just confirmed what I was thinking (no other team responded by the way.)

So I am now a keen follower of OUR team, I watch most of the games, work and family commitments permitting, on NHL Game Centre, and just love it.

As for the fundraising, I know the teams are doing their bit, and I’m endeavouring to do my bit, and hey if you’re reading this and you maybe aren’t feeling quite right, physically or mentally, please, please get it checked out, don’t be embarrassed or ashamed, early intervention is crucial.

You get get more info on what I’ve been up to at mo space on Movember 13.

Go Habs Go!

Rocket Power is an effort to mobilize the sports community to assist one another through financial, physical and emotional support.  Rocket Power is an initiative of Rocket Sports Media, Inc., publisher of All Habs Hockey Magazine.

If you dare, a video of my Movember aerobics class…