Puck the Bunny Predicts: Montreal Canadiens vs Toronto Maple Leafs [VIDEO]


Montreal Canadiens vs Toronto Maple Leafs

Saturday January 18, 2014 7:00 pm. ET  |  Air Canada Centre

TORONTO, ON. — Puck the Bunny appears on All Habs Hockey Magazine predicting outcomes of Canadiens games. Puck, the Brazilian prognosticating bunny, is now in Canada.

puckghgIn his first two seasons as a member of the All Habs team, Puck’s record was an amazing 45-25-10!

Today he picks the winner of Montreal Canadiens vs Toronto Maple Leafs.

So the Habs are in town. Puck was excited to go downtown and look for the players, but we live too far North and it’s too cold for the bunny. But they are close enough for the bunny to send them all the bunny luck he have.

The game is versus the blue leafs so it’s no secret who Puck wants to win the game. He knows his prediction skills are off, but even the best players have bad periods. It will be tough for Habs tomorrow and the ‘lil ball of fur hopes for the Habs who played the Hawks to show up tomorrow at the Air Canada Center.

Puck has a message for all P.K. Subban haters: “If you mess with P.K. you are messing with me, and I hope you have watched the Monty Python’s ‘The Holy Grail’ video, cause he will do the same to every hater. Yeah, don’t mess with the bunny and his favourite players.” (this message was approved by Puck)

Being serious now, P.K. Subban is an amazing player who puts his heart and soul into the game. He plays for his team and his teammates and he deserves respect!

Puck also wants to mention the fantastic game Carey Price had versus teh Senators. The bunny is so proud of his favourite goalie. He can’t wait for Sochi.

Enjoy the game tomorrow, Planet Habs!

Go Habs Go!

Who did Puck choose today? Watch! His record this season is 21-10-7.

Don’t forget to follow @HabsPuckBunny @All_Habs and @AllHabsBrasil as well!

Just a few words for our Brazilian friends: Puck the Bunny tem um importante trabalho. Ele trabalha para o All Habs Brasil com a função de prever resultados de jogos — hoje ele escolherá o vencedor do jogo Montreal Canadiens vs Toronto Maple Leafs.

Quem ele irá escolher? Assista e descubra!