Puck the Bunny Predicts: Detroit Red Wings vs Montreal Canadiens


Puck the Bunny appears on All Habs Hockey Magazine predicting outcomes of Canadiens games. Puck, the Brazilian prognosticating bunny, is now in Canada. In his first three seasons as a member of the All Habs team, Puck’s record was an amazing 77-40-18! (W-L-OTL)


TORONTO, ON –  The Montreal Canadiens are on fire! The bunny knows that he made a mistake choosing Avalanche last time, but he is just a little ball of fur, he is allowed to make mistakes. After all no one is perfect. Did you miss the game? Don’t worry you can check the highlights and the game review here by Rick

Puck is really happy with his Habs! And happy with all the attention he is getting. Puck always get a lot of questions about how is his life and how cool is to have a bunny. People love the little ball of fur and some would love to have one too.

So here are some facts about bunnies.

  • Domesticated bunnies like Puck are not wild bunnies, they have no idea how to live in the wild. So if you ever see a domestic bunny on the loose please help him. Take the little bun bun to a shelter. He ran away or was abandoned and he won’t live long without help.
  • If you want to have a happy and health bunny pay attention to his food. Be sure to give him more leaves and hay than pellets. And always check the amount and type of veggies that you are giving to your pet. Make sure to wash it well and if possible get organic stuff.
  • Always take your bunny to veterinarians specialized in treating bunnies. Not all vets know how to treat bunnies and all the tricks about their health. Oh and they need to go for a check up once every six months.
  • Respect your bunny. Most bunnies don’t like being held. Puck is one of them. He doesn’t mind being hugged once in a while, but he prefers to lay next to me and be pet. Bunnies are preys and their instincts says being held equals being eaten.
  • Bunnies have great personalities if raised free. No one likes to be stuck in a small cage.
  • Clean your bunny space EVERYDAY
  • Bunnies can live up to 12 years. Some live longer, so yes, it’s a long commitment.
  • And most important of all, never abandon him. Bunnies are great pets, they just need patience and love. Your bunny will give you love back. And let’s face it, when you finally win a bunny heart it is the best feeling. It is not easy but it is worth it.

Sorry for the non-hockey post. But Puck wanted to use the space to spread the word about taking a good care of your bunny. He is always open for taking questions @HabsPuckBunny.

Habs are doing well, they don’t need Puck to brag about them.

This prediction the little ball of fur decided to be extra cute. I hope you enjoy!

Who did Puck choose today? Watch! His record predicting hockey games this season is 4-2-0

Don’t forget to follow @HabsPuckBunny @All_Habs and @AllHabsBrasil as well!

Just a few words for our Brazilian friends: Puck the Bunny tem um importante trabalho. Ele trabalha para o All Habs Brasil com a função de prever resultados de jogos — hoje ele escolherá o vencedor entre Detroit Red Wings vs Montreal Canadiens. 

Quem ele irá escolher? Assista e descubra!