Photoshop Faceoff: What’s on the Boards?


By Rookie,,

MONTREAL, QC. — The biggest story of Saturday’s game between the Canadiens and the Maple Leafs wasn’t the final score. It had almost nothing to do with hockey.

I was at a Christmas party, unable to see the game, and the only texts and tweets coming into my phone were giggles about the ads placed side-by-side on the boards at Air Canada Center, advertising Viagra and poker.

All together now: “Poker? I hardly know her!” It was the greatest bit of unintentional comedy we’ve seen all season.

Unless you count the fact that my personal favourite anti-Leafs chant is also the name of a beer being advertised at the ACC.

It got us thinking: if the NHL can include trash-talking and innuendo on sideboard advertisements, there must be some fans out there with a wicked sense of humour. As a result, I think we have a subject for our the All Habs network’s very first photoshop challenge – the We Are Canadiens Photoshop Faceoff. The theme? Inappropriate board advertisements.

Make an advertisement from scratch, or modify an existing photo, it’s all good. We want to see our readers create unintentional comedy on the boards.

Once your photoshopped masterpiece is ready, please head to All Habs’ photo site,, to upload it. Here’s how:

1. Sign up for a We Are Canadiens account if you don’t already have one, or log in if you’re already signed up.
2. Click on “Upload photo.”
3. Select the “Photoshop Faceoff” album and upload your photo. (The album can be found in the “Show Us Your Habs” section.)
4. Wait for an admin to approve your photo. This is regular protocol, so don’t worry if your picture doesn’t show up right away. We just want to make sure there isn’t anything being posted that shouldn’t be posted. Think of the children!
5. The deadline has been extended! Check All Habs after 11:59 PM ET on Wednesday, December 29th, 2010 and we’ll post and comment on our favourite entries.

Submit as many advertising fails as you’d like. We can’t wait to see them!


  1. If you have questions such as “Will there be prizes?” feel free to leave a comment or email myself or anyone on the All Habs staff.

    And yes, there is a chance of prizes.

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