P.K. and the Wolves

(Photo by REUTERS/Adam Hunger)

“In a cap world, the most valuable asset is young and cheap and talented” — Brian Wilde via Twitter, January 24, 2012

Written by LadyE, AllHabs

MONTREAL, QC. — Trade Bait.

A loaded two-word combination.

(Photo by REUTERS/Adam Hunger)

P.K. Subban has been thrown under the bus.

Why? Because he doesn’t conform to what many believe is the Habs norm.

These same people want him out because he doesn’t fit the “mold.”

Simply ridiculous. We love P.K. precisely because he has this individual style that makes him stand out.

Such a judgmental world.

Why should the team lose players out of some warped sense of CH nonsense?

What is this Habs norm, this mold, I wonder?

Is it to overachieve? to be the best? to make it to the playoffs? to win the Stanley Cup? If so, then he fits the mold!

Brian Wilde of CTV Sports said it best recently on Twitter. He wrote:

The wolves are gathering: young players mature on and off the ice. If you give up on a world class Defenseman in his second season, you’re a fool.
Nine times out of ten when you give up on a man still maturing in his game and mind, you have made a mistake. If a player has been world class at
every level, then he must be given time to mature at the next level.”

The expectations these young players have to deal with are unbelievable, and if this young player is a Hab, the pressure is astronomical.

The greatest curse for a Habs rookie is to exceed expectations in his initial season, only to have a set-back during the sophomore campaign.

The end result is fans and media calling for their head, far before the seed planted at a draft three or four years before barely has a chance to get a shoot out of the ground.

P.K. Subban should be given that time to mature as Wilde states quite eloquently.

Yet the rumorists will not sit back. They continue to grind their nonsense.

I don’t listen. To me they sound like Charlie Brown’s teacher.

P.K. Subban is a franchise player.
P.K. Subban is young, fresh and talented.
P.K. Subban is a Hab and should remain as such.

I leave you with this, to show you what this man brings to the team. Let’s not forget…

Also, a little 10-year-old girl, who simply adores him, would be devastated. We wouldn’t want that to happen, now would we?


  1. While I really like PK, and I agree, he IS a franchise player. Improving from those who can objectively observe areas lacking, only makes him a better player.

    The issue for P.K. is, this franchise is under such immense pressure, and every little thing is magnified… in two languages!

    He is one of my son’s favorites due in part that he IS an individual – and a player of color. My son who is black, doesn’t have many players that fit that role model for him.

    Long live P.K.!!!

  2. PK must be part of the future Habs with Price, Gorges, Pax, Diaz, Emelin, Desharnais….if you are to trade him, be sure you’ve done everything you can (including being patient) to having a great asset to your team.

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