More Internal Competition Needed For Struggling Habs


    I understand Guy Carbonneau’s frustration with the lack of scoring (you can include millions of Hab fans as well) but seriously, does he think throwing player’s names into a hat and randomly putting lines together during a game will make things better?…..I think not!!! The third period line juggling (every line was altered) during Saturday night’s game against Buffalo didn’t produce more offence with only 8 shots on net. In my humble opinion, it’s an act of desperation, a coach grasping at straws for any signs of a goal scorer or line that clicks. If it was meant to shake thing up in the locker room then mission accomplished which is fine. The team needs to under that they can’t go through the motions and just show up at the rink expecting to win. They can’t have any passengers who are not willing to work hard every single shift of every game.
    Maybe it’s time for Bob Gainey to seriously consider calling up Sergei Kostitsyn, Maxim Lapierre or even Matt D’Agostini to give Carbonneau other options and rejuvenate some internal competition. The Grabovskis and Gorges of the hockey world don’t appear to be the type of players who strike any fear in the players who are passengers. These players need to understand that if they are not producing then the coach has other players who will be glad to take their spot(s) in the lineup.
    As Carbonneau has said the past few days, there are too many players who are too comfortable and becoming complacent in their job security. If they don’t play well against Toronto on Tuesday, then Carbo needs to whisper (or yell) upstairs for some changes or help.