Mise-o-jeu Hockey Pool Offers Chance to See the Habs

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Mise-o-jeu is launching its all-new hockey pool with a minimum guaranteed grand prize of $125,000*


Montréal, QC – Big news for Québec’s many hockey fans: Mise-o-jeu is launching a hockey pool where the grand prize winner will take home a guaranteed minimum of $125,000.


Participants who register for the annual pool on www.poolmiseojeu.com between September 26 and October 9, 2016, could win one of five pairs of box seats tickets to see a Habs game at Centre Bell.

Ready for a hockey pool that promises big prizes?

• Although many hockey pools are available in Québec, few of them offer a prize as big as Mise-o-jeu Pool.
• The winner at the end of the season will take home a minimum guaranteed prize of $125,000.* The amount could be higher depending on the number of participants registered in the pool.
• Prizes could be awarded up to the 750th position.
• The cost of one entry is $25 for the season.

“Mise-o-jeu is expanding its offerings again with the launch of an annual hockey pool with a grand prize of at least $125,000.* Hockey fans were clamouring for it, and we have delivered,” said Louis Beaudet, Director, Sports Betting and Entertainment. “Bettors will be all the more pleased to learn that a new weekly hockey pool will be launched at the same time.”

“If they haven’t already done so, participants must sign up as Espacejeux.com customers to take part in either the annual or weekly pool,” he added.

Main rules

• Hockey fans create a team of 16 players (10 forwards, 4 defencemen and 2 goalies) while respecting the predetermined salary budget.
• A total of five swaps are allowed during the season.
• Points are attributed as follows:

  • Forwards and defencemen: one point per goal and one point per pass.
  • Goalies: two points per win and one extra point for a shutout.

• The season will be divided into six periods. At the end of each period, participants who’ve earned the most points will win a prize worth at least $875.
• Players must be Espacejeux.com customers to participate in Mise-o-jeu Pool.

A new way to pay

• With the launch of Mise-o-jeu Pool, Loto-Québec is offering a new way to deposit funds called Argent Web. Espacejeux.com customers can now quickly add to their Espacejeux account without incurring charges or using a credit card.

• Argent Web is a coupon issued on Loto-Québec retailers’ game terminals. Customers can then deposit the coupon amount like a gift certificate in their Espacejeux account, either by entering the alphanumeric code indicated on the coupon or scanning the printed QR code.

*Shareable prize
**Amounts could be higher, depending on the number of registered participants.