Looking Back: Canadiens Alumni vs NHL Stars [VIDEO]

Marc Bergevin and Chris Chelios trade places and open up the third period. Photo: Kathy K., AllHabs.net

MONTREAL, QC. — On March 24 in front of 10,000 fans at the Bell Centre, Canadiens alumni and the Greatest NHL Stars faced-off at the Bell Centre to raise money for the Montreal Canadiens Alumni and the Montreal Canadiens Children’s Foundation.  Canadiens assistant coach Gerard Gallant with two goals led the Stars to an 8-5 victory.  Kathy, an All Habs Associate Editor, was there to provide live coverage via social media and filed the reports listed below.

Alex Kovalev in his first game since his retirement. Photo: Kathy K., AllHabs.net
Alex Kovalev in his first game since his retirement. Photo: Kathy K., AllHabs.net

A video compilation “La Classique des Étoiles L’Équipeur” has just been released showing hi-lights of the event. Watch above.

Greatest NHL Stars Top Canadiens’ Alumni [Photo Gallery]

Greatest Stars top Canadiens Alumni, 8-5

Les Étoiles de la LNH ont le dessus sur les Anciens Canadiens

Montreal Canadiens Alumni vs Greatest Hockey Stars

Les Anciens Canadiens vs les Étoiles de la LNH au Centre Bell

La Classique des étoiles au Centre Bell

Canadiens Alumni vs Greatest NHL Stars to Benefit Charities

(La Classique des Étoiles L’Équipeur – video posted to YouTube by lequipeurTLBV)