Letters to All Habs: Kramer-like Habs Fan



Hi Rick,

I just had write to share a little story with you… hope that you have a few minutes.

I attended a wedding a few weeks ago in Windsor. We were at the motel getting ready when my partner’s brother-in-law barged into the room.

Imagine Kramer from Seinfeld. Okay, now picture Kramer hyped up on caffeine. Got it?

Okay, so this guy comes bursting into the room (Kramer-like) with an iPad in hand. He completely ignored the fact I’m still in bed. He handed my boyfriend the iPad and excitedly says “Hey, you gotta check out this article. Check this out, okay? You gotta read this! This guy is spot on! This is exactly what I’ve been telling you! You gotta read this article!”

At some point our visitor paused to take a breath, and my boyfriend was able to ask what this was all about. I was imagining it was porn. Our guest explained there was an article on this website, a website called All Habs, which was a must-read! He then turned and walked out as abruptly as he walked in, leaving us the iPad to review.

I was excited to see that, well, firstly, it wasn’t porn on the iPad, and secondly, that your website was getting people so engaged and enthused! Again, think Kramer hyped up on caffeine. Your article really resonated with this person, and was a hot topic of discussion for the rest of that day.

I just thought I’d share the story. Sending my best wishes your way!


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