Les Canadiens: Lady E’s take on the Naughty and Nice List


Written by LadyE, AllHabs

MONTREAL, QC — Who’s naughty and who’s nice?

I made my list and checked it twice, verified with Santa and here it is.

Our CH wearing heroes.

Josh Gorges
What can I say about Gorges that I haven’t already? He is a warrior, a team leader and motivator. A guy who never gives up, who blocks shots without hesitation, a Captain in the making. This is a guy I want on my team, someone I know I can count on. He is the glue. Santa says he’s nice, but has been naughty at times (must be when he loses his temper)
Overall score: Nice

Max Pacioretty
Wolveretty as he was recently christened. Pacioretty has courage and stamina. He is a philanthropist, a man with a huge heart. Santa says that he is on the nice list for now but has had some naughty lapses. Gives him high marks in the good deeds department. As do I.
Overall Score: Nice

Brian Gionta
Our team Captain. Regardless of his 5-07 frame the man plays big. He is the leader, the one the team looks to. He won the hearts and minds of the fans. Let’s hope he comes back strong and productive from his injury. Santa says he is still very much on the nice list, and must continue his good behaviour. Has Gionta ever had any bad behaviour?
Overall Score: Nice

Hal Gill
The Octopus. The big man who protects the net like he is another goalie. He is funny and sarcastic. A guy you want to call a friend. Santa says Gill is nice but he has to watch out because his manners sometimes slip. They do? Must be when he makes fun of P.K. on Twitter!
Overall Score: Nice

P.K. Subban
The kid. Still has lots to learn and has great teachers in Gill and Gorges. He has a great attitude and does his best. Santa really likes P.K. He says he is nicer than nice. A real champ! Santa was really proud of all the hard work that went towards changing those “naughty” habits of last year. Santa must really be paying attention!
Overall Score: Nice

Tomas Plekanec
The Czech wunderkind. The rover. Watching him zip around the ice is always so exciting and watching him score even more so. I just wish he’d score more! Santa says that he is nice, but with a few exceptions. He needs to be nice to everyone not just friends and that he could try a little harder when things are tough. Santa knows more than he lets on!
Overall score: Nice

Carey Price
The backstop. Price hates to lose. Without him, the team would be in a terrible spot. He is the core of this team. He is no longer “The Kid”. He has matured into the all around player that we have come to love and respect. Very happy he is our netminder. Santa says the Carey is on his Nice list. As a matter of fact one of his nicest years ever. Santa says he really helped the family and friends when they needed it and is always polite, except when he drops an FBomb or two, then he gets a mention on the naughty list!
Overall Score: Nice


Let’s look at some of the new kids on the block.

Lars Eller
Our 22-year old Dane. A sweet kid with a sweet smile, but when he plays he can be a beast. Santa tells me the Lars has been nice most of the year and not just near Christmas! He says he makes others happy, and is a great listener.
Overall Score: Nice

Alexei Emelin
BOOM! A hard hitting defenseman whose signature hits sparked the #EmelinBoom movement. Still need to see more of him though — he needs more playing time with his partner Kaberle. Santa likes KA-BOOM and says Emelin is on the Nice list for now, but is slowly making his way to the Naughty list. There have been to many naughty marks lately. It must be all the people he has been flattening!!
Overall Score: Somewhat Nice

Erik Cole
Cole is exactly what I thought he would be like. A hardworking player and a goal scorer. I haven’t been disappointed. He is quite outspoken also. Says what he thinks in a very diplomatic way. Santa says that overall niceness outweighs naughtiness and that he was good last month! Santa expects him to move up even hight on the nice list.
Overall Score: Nice


Pierre Gauthier
I cannot understand the decisions made by our GM. Band-Aid solutions to cover his errors in judgement. Giving a three-year contract to a veteran coming off his second knee surgery instead of giving this contract to the young buck. Trading talent for short term relief. Throwing innocent unilingual coaches to the wolves. Naughty. Naughty. Naughty. As the Head of Pro Scouting he didn’t do a very good job in recommending players to be acquired. During his tenure he was partly responsible for bringing us players like Laraque, Tanguay and Gomez. Why was he promoted again? Santa did not want me to look at Gauthier’s record on the list. He simply showed me the lump of coal he will leave for him.
Overall Score: Very Naughty


Brian Wilde
Honestly the best reporter in this city covering the Habs in my humble opinion. He is not afraid to state his views. He takes on his naysayers. He is a proud contrarian. He puts his money where his mouth is. He is funny and watching him on the newscasts is very entertaining. Santa says that Brian is much more nice than naughty, that he is thoughtful, his good mood spreads to others. Mrs. Claus piped in and said that everyone in the North Pole is proud of him. Wow talk about making an impression!
Overall Score: Very nice

François Gagnon
He is Wilde’s sidekick on game night. Seems like he is everywhere. A bit boorish at times. Santa says that François has been a little naughty this year, even though him and the elves are sure he hasn’t been “that” bad. His halo may be on a little bit crooked, but he made it to the Nice list by the skin of his teeth.
Overall Score: Somewhat nice moving closer to nice

What about me I wondered? Santa wouldn’t show me how I fared on the list. He simply asked me what I would like for Christmas. Without hesitation I asked for a speedy recovery for Markov, White, Gomez and Gionta, team stability and a solid direction for the Canadiens heading forward from here and for Lord Stanley to bless us with his Cup!

Wishing every member of the All Habs community a Happy Holiday!