Leafs Eliminated: A Comical Tribute For A Friend



    As usual, Robert L. does a great job of bringing a new perspective on Leaf Nation mourning their poor Toronto Maple Laffs missing the playoffs again!!!! I have posted more funny Toronto Maple Leafs photos that Robert may have missed, check them out below:
    If anyone wants to pile on to the Leaf bashing photo party, then send me any funny Leafs photos that Robert or I have missed and I’ll gladly add to the collection!!!

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    Rick Stephens
    Rick is the Editor-in-Chief, lead contributor, and owner of the All Habs network of websites. His mission is to build a community of Canadiens fans who are informed, engaged and connected. He is the vision behind all four sites within the network - All Habs, Habs Tweetup, We Are Canadiens, and The Montreal Forum - and is responsible for the design and layout of each. In concert with the strong belief that "Habs fans are everywhere!", Rick is pleased that people use All Habs as a conduit to find and connect with other Habs fans worldwide. He is also proud that Habs Tweetups have allowed fans to meet in person and develop long lasting friendships.