La Presse: Pas un seul attaquant québécois !



    Please give me a break, Mr. Tremblay!!!! I think it’s a wonderful thing and at times a necessity to have Francophone players in the lineup. With that being said, I also want the best possible team to be on the ice whether they speak French, English, Finnish, Russian,……etc.
    Did we have the best team on the ice against Florida? I certainly liked what I saw from the players (language issues a side) even though Tomas Vokoun stood on his head to rob the two points. What I don’t like is when the media turn the beautiful game of hockey into a language/political issue. I’m a Quebec anglophone who understands the importance of the french language in Quebec society and its preservation within that social structure. I make every effort to speak both languages and enjoy it but when it becomes an issue in every aspect of our lives especially in sports, well I have a problem with this situation.
    Can Saku Koivu make more of an effort with saying a sentence in french when introducing the team roster in the home opener? Yes, he should make an effort out of respect to the Francophone fans but to start crying that there aren’t many Quebecois players in the lineup….come on Rejean Tremblay!!! Enjoy the game and start writing about what happens on the ice: Canadiens totally outplaying the Panthers with only one Quebecois player in the lineup!!!!