La Presse: Latendresse: «Il aurait fallu que je n’en parle pas…»



    I’m glad to hear players being upset about not playing and Guillaume Latendresse has played a lot better in recent games before he was injured. There have been some rumblings that Latendresse’s injury was of a minor nature and that he could have played through it but these injury situations are kept so “hush-hush” that it’s hard to know what is truthful.

    I thought Latendresse should have sat out more than one game last year when there were many nights when he struggled mightily and there were questions whether it was the right decision to keep him with the Canadiens.

    Now, he seems to feel that he has a guaranteed spot in the lineup every game……sorry Guillaume but that’s not the case for any player especially a 20 year old who still hasn’t proved anything at the NHL level. I Love his desire to be in the lineup but he should remain positive, keep quiet and work hard in practice………POINT FINALE!!!!!!