Jacques Martin Relieved of his Duties


Jacques Martin relieved of his duties
Saturday, 17.12.2011 / 9:47 AM / News


MONTREAL – The Canadiens have announced that Jacques Martin has been relieved of his duties.

Randy Cunneyworth has been named interim head coach of the Montreal Canadiens until the end of the season. Larry Carrière will become an assistant coach.

Cunneyworth and Canadiens GM Pierre Gauthier will meet the media at 12:00 p.m. at the Bell Centre following Saturday’s morning skate.


  1. Hallelujah! “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.”

    This is the best news I’ve heard all season. Maybe now the team, having shed the shackles of Martin’s ridiculous ‘system’, will play up to their potential.

    Gauthier needs to be the next to go.

    • Good comment Leo. It’s clear that Martin’s system and the assets of the players have been a bad match since day one. His passive read and react system has been obsolete since the lockout. Gauthier will likely be around for the short term through the trade deadline but I don’t expect to see him at the draft table in June.

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