J.P. Barry: "He’s (Sundin) still several weeks away from making a decision,”


    An excerpt from Globesports.com (Tim Wharnsby):

    There were nine teams that called Barry to express interest in Sundin on Tuesday, but only the Canucks, Leafs, Montreal Canadiens and New York Rangers made formal contract offers.

    “I would like to thank all the teams who have expressed such sincere interest in my services,” Sundin wrote in his statement. “The numerous options provided to me were impressive and I have no doubt that each one presented a unique opportunity for me to finish my career in a terrific hockey environment.

    “I spent a great deal of time [on Tuesday] reflecting upon the teams who stepped forward and the opportunities that each provided. Unfortunately, I am simply not close to being ready to make a decision about resuming my career at this time. I wish all the teams the very best and thank them for their interest.”