It’s Movember, Grow Your Mo!


Written by Rookie,

MONTREAL, QC. — It appears as though Movember, like playoff beards and post-game interview clichés, is becoming an NHL tradition.

Started in Australia in 2004, Movember is an initiative for men to stop shaving and grow moustaches (also known as “mo”s) during the month of November, all the while raising funds for prostate cancer research. Obviously, the movement has a lot of visibility, and hopefully raises awareness about the disease in addition to money. It’s becoming a popular part of the Hockey Fights Cancer project that the NHL launches every autumn.

This is the second year that Canadiens players are participating, led by Movember team captain Hal Gill, whose horseshoe moustache last year was a great throwback to the 70’s. Goaltender Carey Price has also decided to grow a mo this year, maybe as an attempt to play like he did last Movember – three shutouts in 12 games started. Other participants on the Mo team include Raphael Diaz, Ryan White, David Desharnais, Mathieu Darche, and captain Brian Gionta (who looks more like a Montreal Canadien when he has facial hair than when he doesn’t.) I’m looking forward to seeing Youppi’s moustache most of all!

Many teams throughout the NHL are participating, with both players and other members of the organization taking part. Former Canadiens growing their whiskers include Francis Bouillon (Nashville), and cancer survivor Saku Koivu (Anaheim).  A few teams even have Movember teams set up for fans who want to join and help the cause.

Right now, MOple Leaf Sports and Entertainment, a team led by famous moustache Wendel Clark, is leading the NHL in donations.

If you’d like to visit the Montreal Canadiens’ Movember page (with links to donate to each player), please click here.
For the NHL’s Movember network page, and to see all of the teams involved, please click here.
Please visit Prostate Cancer Canada‘s website for more information about the disease.

And if you’re on Tumblr, don’t miss All Habs and NHL Mustaches.