It got ugly in Vancouver!!!! (Video Highlights of Flyers vs Canucks)


    Habster’s take:

    There was another ugly stick incident in this game. I’m sure we’ll see a 10-15 game suspension for Jesse Boulerice in the near future. Mr. Boulerice has a history of this kind of stick work from his junior days with the Plymouth Whalers. During the 1997-98 season, when Boulerice was a member of the OHL’s Plymouth Whalers, he used a baseball bat type swing to hit the face of Guelph’s Andrew Long, causing him to sustain serious damage. Boulerice was suspended his for his entire overage season in the OHL and pleaded no contest to a charge of aggravated assault.
    Goons like Jesse Boulerice have no place on NHL rosters. If players would only show some respect to each other and not head hunt or take cheap shot then there wouldn’t be this perceived need to have “enforcers”on NHL rosters to protect star players.

    Boulerice is not much of a fighter or hockey player for that matter. Check out this KO by Aaron Downey who was able to deck Boulerice with one punch: