Hockey Quebec gets tough on fighting and hitting from behind


    An excerpt from

    Hockey Quebec is targeting unsportsmanlike behaviour such as fighting, checking the back of the head and verbal abuse in the minor leagues.

    Among the new rules:

    • Players who fight, instigate, or jump into an on-ice brawl as a third combatant will be suspended for two games on a first offence.
    • A second offence puts the player out for four games and means a trip before a disciplinary committee.
    • A third offence means an indefinite suspension.
    • If the fight happens in the last five minutes of play or overtime, the players involved will be penalized an additional game and their coaches will also be suspended for one game.


    1. Good for them. Lives and careers are compromised by the Neanderthalhockey that has been prevelant in Canadian Junior Hockey for so long.

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