Heritage Classic Tickets and Parties


by Rick Stephens, AllHabs.net

MONTREAL, QC.– Picture Jose Theodore with a red, white and blue touque over his mask, his breath visible in the -18 degree Celsius air. It’s an iconic image in the minds of Montreal Canadiens fans, one of the lasting memories of the past decade embedded in the rich history of our beloved franchise. The stage was the 2003 Heritage Classic in front of more than 57,000 fans at Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton.

The 2011 edition of the Heritage Classic takes place 295 kilometres south of the Alberta capital at McMahon Stadium in Calgary where your Canadiens take on the Calgary Flames. Where will you be to watch this memorable event?  And what will be the moment captured in time? 

If you find yourself still wishing you could see this historical game in person, you might be surprised to hear it’s not too late to pick up a ticket! The All Habs ticket center (via this special event link) has a number of seats available at prices much less than this year’s Winter Classic, which featured the Pittsburgh Penguins and Washington Capitals. Also be sure to watch the @All_Habs Twitter stream for an announcement of a Heritage Classic deal – you won’t want to miss it!

Once you have your tickets for the game, be sure to RSVP for the Habs Tweetup pre-game party held at Tipperary’s Pub, just a stone’s throw from the stadium. Even if you don’t have tickets, come to Tipperary’s anyway to watch the game! It’s the first Calgary Habs Tweetup and this hockey-friendly pub will have plenty of specials for those who join in the fun with the All Habs community.

Not in Calgary for the game? No problem! All Habs has scheduled two additional Heritage Classic Habs Tweetups for you to choose from – one in New York City and one in Montreal’s West Island.  Enjoy the company of other Habs fans and All Habs readers as you gather together to cheer your team to an outdoor victory! 

HabsTweetup.com has details on all three events – just look for the links in the “Upcoming Habs Tweetups” box at the top left.  Be sure to RSVP today! 

Stay tuned to AllHabs.net for complete Heritage Classic coverage and features throughout the weekend.  In addition, our good friends Launy Schwartz and Dahlia Kurtz from Hockey54.com will be on the scene in Calgary – look for their exclusive first-hand reports by clicking here.

Enjoy the 2011 Heritage Classic!

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