Habs Tweetup Happenings Continue!


by @FlyersRule, AllHabs.net / Habs Tweetup

PHILADELPHIA, PA — It may be hard to believe that the last week in August is already upon us, but the chill in the air this morning reminds us that summer has started to wind down. For hockey fans, that’s great news! It means just a few weeks remain until the start of camps and pre-season games…finally!

A brand new season of hockey also brings with it countless opportunities for Habs fans to mix and mingle by attending a HabsTweetup! Events have already been scheduled for Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto and New York City – with more locations in the works. Visit HabsTweetup.com to RSVP for one or learn how to host your own!

However, this summer did not leave us in a HabsTweetup drought – our summer recap series has brought us entertaining stories of recent gatherings:

We conclude the series with a look at a HabsTweetup recently held in Connecticut – the result of two Habs Twitter friends (@kuyaz and @smalrus)wanting to finally meet. The article also takes a look at how technology helps expand the number of “attendees” at a HabsTweetup. Even if you can’t be there in person, there are plenty of ways to be included in the fun! Check out the excerpt below and we’ll see you soon at a HabsTweetup near you!


“Who says you need a hockey game in order to have a HabsTweetup? Habs fans will use any reason to gather together…even in the offseason! In fact recently, two Twitter friends asked All Habs to set up a HabsTweetup simply for them to meet and hang out!

@kuyaz and @smalrus represented the Habs faithful at their very own HabsTweetup held in Connecticut in mid-July, when @kuyaz was in town from Toronto. From what we’ve heard, they shared a few cold beverages and hit the jackpot with all-you-can-eat wing night at McLaddens in West Hartford Center. ”

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