Habs People: The Sixth Sense, the Seventh Man


Written by Lady E, Special to AllHabs.net

MONTREAL, QC. — I am not Haley Joel Osment, who in The Sixth Sense said “I see dead people.” I am Lady E and I see Habs people. They are in my head dancing, skating, scoring, and laughing. I am that passionate.

Last Tuesday morning after the Canadiens lost to the Florida Panthers, the city seemed to be crumbling more than its bridges and tunnels, but at a point even more severe, a point much more at the city’s heart — the tricolores were fading into shadows of grey.

It was then, on that dark night, that I saw Habs people.

I was escorted by a security guard to a room. My arms were being held so tight I felt like a criminal being sent to prison. No explanations were offered to me. I was then left alone in that dreary room. It felt like it had a connection to my beloved Habs heroes, but it was stark — no logos, no hockey sticks, nothing.

It felt like a place of strong communal spirit, yet it had lost its identity. I picked up the phone that was on the wall. I wanted to dial out. Silence. The receiver was dead. I grabbed my cell phone frantically. No service. What the? I was scared. My palms were sweaty. I waited. And I waited.

Suddenly they all entered. I see Habs people. They needed me. They were as trapped in their game as I was in this room. Suffocating, yet breathing. Hopeful, yet already condemned by the media and the weak who follow them.

I saw Hal Gill first towering over his brethren. His head was down. One after another they filed in and formed a circle around me. Everyone with heads down ashamed that their efforts were not enough. Everyone feeling the sting of judgments flown freely, and frightened of an uncertain future.

“Talk to us” they said. “We need Lady E’s wisdom”.

I knew what I had to do. I knew what they needed.

“This isn’t an easy town to play in, though it is often the greatest town to play in. I don’t care how much you get paid, nor do I care what negotiations, trades, or drafts brought you here. You are here now and all I care about is what is here.” and I pointed to my heart.

“All of you started the same, as young boys, going to the arenas for those early morning practices with mom and dad. You went on to play junior and you persevered and excelled. Your hard work was noticed and now you are wearing a Montreal Canadiens jersey. Your passion for the game is in your hearts. It never left. It is there. You need to channel that heart and nothing will stop you.”

I never got to see their reactions, because, sadly, I woke up.

Since my dream, the Habs have won three straight games. I’d like to think I had a small part in that turnaround.

No, of course, not because I dream Habs people, nor because I see Habs people, but because, like you, like all of us in this city, at our core…

We live Habs, people!