Home Feature Habs Offense Potentially More Potent with Semin

Habs Offense Potentially More Potent with Semin

Habs Offense Potentially More Potent with Semin

By J.D. Lagrange, Senior Writer, All Habs Hockey Magazine


Some have been asking for it, others have been on the fence, wanting to wait until training camp to see what young guys could do. Either way, the announcement of Alexander Semin signing has left no Habs’ fan indifferent today.

PENTICTON, BC. – For those who were sleeping under a rock, the Canadiens have announced that they have agreed to a one-year deal with Semin, a contract worth $1.1 million for the upcoming season. Before feeling bad for the enigmatic Russian whose contract was bought out by the Carolina Hurricanes a few weeks ago, understand that he will be making $5.8 million next season as the Canes owe him $4.7 million with the buy-out.

The fanbase seems split on this decision by Marc Bergevin, although all agree that at 31 years old, Semin is still young enough and there is no denying of his skills set. Standing at 6-foot-2-inches and 209 lbs, he is a right-hand shot who can play both wings. He has one of the best shots in the NHL and the terms creative, explosive, soft hands and goal-scorer have been used to describe him. He does have the potential to break a game open and can be lethal one-on-one. In spite of his size, he often struggles in physical games, his defensive game is below average and he’s been known for being moody.

Last season in Carolina, Semin only managed six goals and 19 points with a minus -10 differential for the Hurricanes, which prompted the team to buy out the remaining three years of his contract paying him seven million dollars per season. When justifying the buyout, Ron Francis had this to say:

Those are pretty strong comments, something we don’t often see coming from management about a player they let go, and we sense a lot of frustration in those comments. Semin had 22 goals just two seasons ago, but the last impactful season he’s had was back in 2009-2010 when he scored 40 for the Capitals, although he did score 28 goals in 65 games the following year. Expecting him to return to his 40 goals shape might be a bit unrealistic and it is pretty hard to set expectations on what he can bring to a team at this point. Everyone, Semin included, is hoping that it’s more than the six goals he had last year.


During his press conference after the signing, Semin had very little to say. Explaining the reason for choosing Montreal though, we’ve learned that he did speak with Andrei Markov. That in itself is interesting as it means that the Canadiens involved Markov into the decision making before signing Semin.

“I like Montreal. I like this town. It was Markov, too. He said come to us and help us win a Stanley Cup.”

On Twitter, my timeline was flooded with comments about the signing and it was interesting to see how diversified and a bit divided the fan base is on the news. Some are thrilled with it, others, not so much. Let’s have a look at the pros and cons of this recent move by Bergevin:


  • The cap hit and the duration of the contract, at $1.1 million for one year, is very low for a player of Semin’s stature, with the skills set that he possesses and with the upside that he can bring.
  • Playing on a one year contract means that he will be playing for another contract with the Canadiens or elsewhere in the NHL, an added incentive for him.
  • Contrarily to Carolina, Montreal is a much better team with a lot more skills and depth. Semin didn’t have Subban, Markov or Petry feeding him the puck on the powerplay or on a breakout pass.
  • Semin is coming in on a team in need of offense, help on the top-six and on the powerplay. He will (or should) be given a fair chance at doing what he likes to do, which is playing an offensive role.


  • Semin is coming off the worst season of his NHL career and there is a legitimate feeling of concern about that. Was it the exception to the rule or is it the beginning of the end for him?
  • This signing by Bergevin is a bit surprising considering that he has always put the emphasis on getting character players and Semin certainly isn’t known for that aspect.
  • Perhaps the biggest issue might be the fact that there is the potential that Semin could take the spot of a young prospect, ready to prove what he can do. Nikita Scherbak is now NHL size, Charles Hudon had a great season. There are only so many roster spots opened at the NHL level.


“We are very pleased to have reached a short term agreement with Alexander Semin. Alex is a pure goal scorer with a good shot. We believe his addition to our group of forwards will strengthen our offensive production and our power play. A veteran winger with size, Semin has reached the 20-goal plateau seven times since the beginning of his NHL career 12 years ago. His signing represents a great opportunity for the organization and for Alex’s career.” — Canadiens general manager Marc Bergevin.

What we do know is that Semin wasn’t brought in for his fighting skills!

While we could be tempted to jump to conclusions to determine if this is a good signing or not, and most fans and media will, let’s take the “wait and see” approach on this one. This signing will create some healthy competition at camp, including for Mr. Semin who has everything to lose here.

What is interesting however is that while Bergevin didn’t go out to get a proven top-six goals’ scorer and overpay in the process as some GM’s have done, he did add some very interesting depth on the right side this summer. Both Semin and Zack Kassian will be playing for new contracts and both have some huge offensive upside. Either (or both) of them can be part of the solution on the powerplay, one with his shot, the other with his size and net presence. Time will tell if the experiment will work or not but those are all low risks and high rewards moves.

Go Habs Go!!!

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J.D. is a Senior writer for All Habs as well as Associate-Editor for the French version Le Magazine All Habs, while one of three Administrators of the fan forum Les Fantômes du Forum. He has created the handle Habsterix as a fictional character for the sole purpose of the internet. It is based on the cartoon Asterix of Gaule and his magic potion is his passion for the Montreal Canadiens. How old is he? His close friends will tell you that he’s so old, his back goes out more than he does! He was born when Béliveau lifted the Cup and remembers the days when seeing the Habs winning was not a wish, it was an expectation. For him, writing is a hobby, not a profession. Having moved to beautiful British Columbia in 1992 from his home town of Sherbrooke, Quebec, he started writing mostly in French to keep up his grammar, until non-bilingual BC friends pushed him into starting his own English Blog. His wife will say that he can be stubborn, but she will be the first to recognise that he has great sense of humour. He is always happy to share with you readers his point of views on different topics, and while it is expected that people won’t always agree, respect of opinions and of others is his mission statement. || J.D. est Rédacteur-Adjoint sur Le Magazine All Habs et il est un Rédacteur Principal sur le site anglophone All Habs, tout en étant un des trois Administrateurs du forum de discussion Les Fantômes du Forum. Il a créé le pseudonyme Habstérix comme caractère fictif pour l’internet. Celui-ci est basé sur Astérix de Gaule et sa potion magique est sa passion pour les Canadiens de Montréal. Lorsqu’il est né, Jean Béliveau soulevait la Coupe Stanley et il se rappelle des jours où gagner n’était pas un espoir, mais une attente. Pour lui, écrire est un passe-temps, pas une profession. Ayant déménagé dans la superbe Colombie-Britannique en 1992 en provenance de sa ville natale de Sherbrooke, Québec, il a commencé à écrire en français pour garder sa grammaire, jusqu’à ce que ses amis anglophones ne réussissent à le convaincre d’avoir son blog en anglais. Son épouse vous dira qu’il est têtu, mais elle sera la première à reconnaître son grand sens de l’humour. Il est toujours fier de partager avec vous, lecteurs et lectrices, ses points de vue sur différents sujets, et quoi que les gens ne s’entendent pas toujours sur ceux-ci, le respect des opinions et des autres est son énoncé de mission.


  1. If Semin scores 1 more goal than Parenteau scores in Toronto, this is a good signing :)
    Like you mentioned, low risk high reward contract

  2. I think this opens a door for a question mark line, will Semin bounce back and be the player he once was?, will Kassien become the player he was meant to be?, will Galchenyuk make it as an NHL center, could he become the first line center the Habs have been looking for? … only I promise you this… if Kassien and Semin played on the same line, they would each end up having more goals playing with Deharnais as their center, then again they could flop and a couple favorite prospects of similar stature take their place in the line up, it’s like Bergevin is giving us a taste of the future, and his prospects proper targets to strive to outplay if they want to play and provide at an NHL level.

    Looking forward to habs first cup centennial season…

  3. Only Pacioretty can shoot the puck like Semin. While I would have liked to see a young guy get the chance, injuries do and will happen during the season. It’s up to them to impress at camp and in the AHL, the same way Gallagher did in his rookie year, starting the season in the AHL.

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