Habs kneel down to the Bruins

Big Brother:
Please someone tell me the Habs were wearing black and gold tonight.

This game review is going to be hard to do without swearing.It was simply ugly. To quote Shaquille O’Neil: “It was Horrawful. It’s horror and awful put together.” While Price was shaky on two goals, he’s hardly to blame. I argued in Rocket’s last article that the Ottawa shutout was a team effort. This 6-1 game was a team gift. Would you believe me if I told you the Bruins had only 3 shots more on Price than Ottawa did two days ago? It didn’t look like it! Nobody played a full game.



Let’s try to find some positive. Andrei Kostitsyn actually played a solid game with Thomas Plekanec. Both worked most of the game, just not hard enough. Kovalev looked a step behind all game long. I am usually a fan of “L’Artiste” but tonight, he looked like a Picasso. And while Lapierre and Dandenault gave everything they had, it clearly wasn’t enough. They did too many costly mistakes. But I feel for those two guys. They have to play PK every shift. Can you imagine what these two could do if there was a third player on that line to help them out?


For the first two periods the L.A. Kola line (Lang, Kostitsyn, Latendresse) was the best one on the ice. Sergei was more involved, Latendresse still impressed me (although I didn’t see his penalty) and Lang played a solid game. It’s the only line that didn’t give an even strength goal. They applied a good forecheck and kept the pressure on the Bruins defense. At least until Kovalev was switched for Kostitsyn. I heard a mention that Kovalev has some knee or leg (let’s call it lower body) injury. It might be a good idea to leave him out of the lineup until he heals to have him back at full strength. Kovalev at half speed isn’t good enough this year. Every single team makes sure he receives special attention.



The Captain worked hard as he usually does but he’ll need his linemates to help. I didn’t see Tanguay all game except for a soft shot that looked so weak Manny Fernandez felt he had to give it back to Saku Koivu. Higgins didn’t do much better and was mostly invisible.


Gorges and Bouillon looked bad most of the night. Komisarek and Markov weren’t close to their usual standards. Hamerlik slept through Lucic goal. O’Byrne was the only defensemen I didn’t find out of place all game long. I still think Brisebois deserve to play Saturday. But based on the last couple of games, I’d send Francis Bouillon in the stands. I’d have Begin play too but I’ll let you guess who I would scratch. (hint: read article below)



Now let’s give some credit to Boston (man that was painful to write). They wanted that game more. They battled and fought for the puck. Stephane Yelle was solid on the PK and managed to score twice. Lucic is becoming a real rivalry player who shines in games like tonight. Hell, even Ryder didn’t look bad defensively. Not that the Habs tried to make him look too bad.


I’ll stop the review right now as I have been able to go that long without going “PG-13” or worst. Now I’ll leave a question to ponder until Saturday. Since the workload of the weekend will probably be divided between Halak and Price, would you put Halak in the net against Philadelphia Saturday or would you keep him for Sunday’s game against St-Louis, giving a chance for Price to redeem himself for tonight’s game and the playoffs?


  1. Lol…I usually check your page (which is very good by the way) to see what the pulse is up in HabsLand but I gotta say…What a complete BEAT DOWN and sad effort from you're so called team last night here in Boston. Where to start? Let's just stay with Komisarek who is a COMPLETE JOKE and finally got what he's been asking for 2 years now which was a beating from Lucic. And Chabonneau?! WTF… Some leader. I quote "We had a game plan and no one followed it. And as a result, we lost, 6-1." Not your fault right Guy? What loser…Oh well you all better get used to it though because The Bruins are Back baby!

    Keep up the good blog work though & Go Bruins!

    KingKrej46 from Kynch's Bruins Korner Blog site at

  2. KingKrej46,

    WOW…..what’s that make it now? 1-13 against the Habs the last 14 games played.

    Habs: 24 Stanley Cups vs Bruins: 5 Stanley Cups.

    Last time the Bruins won the Cup: 1970

    You must be so proud of your Bruins right now, good for you.

    Though, I do sense a lot of built up anger and hostility towards the Canadiens. I guess it’s only normal when your team has been used as a door mat over the past 35-40 years by the Bleu, Blanc et Rouge.

    You should join the Habs blashing club along side its president: Don Cherry

  3. Hey. Rob. Habster. Cut it out. The guy is half right, and I would love to have fans from everywhere come here to see some good post game reports.

    It was a TOTAL letdown from the Habs. I have to give him that much. If the Habs were playing as they did in Ottawa, no way they would have lost ;-)

    Actually I had Boston finishing 5th or 6th in the conference. They have a good coach and a potent team. I would love to have the next four games hard fought.

    However Komisarek is a joke? He is one of the top 5 stay at home defensemen in the Conference and one that you don’t see going for cheap shots. Unlike Chara targetting Kovalev’s head every time he can.

    Also, Carbo was right. He had a great game plan against Ottawa and the team played it perfectly. The plan didn’t change against Boston but the team obviously didn’t respond well. Poor play, bad execution, miscommunication. NOTHING worked well.

    But if you want to talk douchebag? How about Lucic going toe to toe with a real fighter next time? Komi is NOT a fighter. He’ll do it for his team, and that deserve my respect.

    Take care and I’ll be sure to check out your blog for the next Habs-Bruins game

  4. I have to back you on this one BB. Krej is right on two points. It was a total win, and the Bruins deserve full credit. And as I said in my review, this is a signal that the rivalry is getting back to even terms…not so one-sided anymore.

    As far as Carbo’s game plan, I have seen no evidence that he had one. The team played against Ottawa with elevated emotion either via a coach’s pep talk or the players only meeting. But the players still don’t have any idea about the breakout system to use when facing an aggressive forechecking team. Where’s that strategy as part of game plan??

  5. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not giving Krej too much credit. I visited his page (redirected from the address listed) which is almost completely devoid of intelligent game analysis. It’s 99% trash talk.

    It doesn’t matter much though, as it seems that he has few readers.

  6. He Men… Make no mistake about the fact that fans in Boston (including myself) respect the Habs organization and their history. To say we've been frustrated is an UNDERSTAMENT to say the least. All of this good natured back and forth aside here's at east hoping this "rivalry" is lot less one sided than its been for at least the past 10 years…

    Great notes & I can "feel" the lve from here :-)

    Keep well & we'll see out at Centre Bell soon enogh!


  7. Also our Bruins Blog is less than a month old so it's a WIP as is the Bruins fan base returning to support the team sadly…While accept the "trash talk" points and that we make them part of the site (we knock the Leafs fans just as hard…) know that it's always for fun & with no true disrespect to you or the great folks up in Montreal. In fact next time Kynch & I are in town (which is fairly often) we'll buy you all a couple Pints at Hurleys!

    Go B's! KingKrej46

  8. Fair enough Krej. Thanks for your readership and your last two comments. Glad to hear that your trash talk is only in competitive good fun.

    See you at Hurleys!

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