Habs fans: Let’s show respect!



    I am disgusted by the YouTube clip with the drunken mob converging on Sergei Kostitsyn in his vehicle. Habster, you correctly said that the majority of the rioters were not true hockey fans. However, the idiots who hounded Sergei are obviously ‘fans’. There is a difference between respectful fan adoration and harassment.

    Note to Habs fans:

    1. Be respectful and restore the city’s image of having some of the best fans in hockey. Let’s show some class, Montreal!
    2. Stop molesting the players!
    3. Stop booing the U.S. anthem! Cheer instead!
    4. Do not participate in vandalism or rioting!

    If any of the ‘fans’ who participated in the harassment of Sergei are now having sober second thoughts about their offensive behaviour, we would love to hear from you. “All Habs” would be glad to publish your public apology to Sergei. Either reply with a comment or send an email to allhabs@gmail.com

    Link to Habster’s article and YouTube clip:



    1. I was not one of those people, but I am good friends with Sergei and the incident has bothered me enormously. I could not even watch more than 30 seconds of the video. Things like this are WHY he and Andrei remain so “mysterious.” Why should they open themselves to fans when this is the treatment they receive?

    2. Thanks for your comment. You ask a very good question.
      I think that Sergei is very talented. As you may have noticed from my game reviews, I have been impressed with Sergei’s play in the first round. He has been gritty and played with poise. From Habster and myself, and our readers, please convey to Sergei our admiration for his level of play and our repulsion with the individuals who perpetrated this disgusting incident.

    3. Hey guys!

      I couldn’t have said it any better, Rocket!!

      I wasn’t going to post the video but I thought it would be a good way to show “what not to do” when fans see a Habs player……sort of a remind!!!

      I watched the video only once and was disturbed by the abolute stupidity of these fans. You could see the fear in Sergei face as these people surrounded his car.

      I’m glad he wasn’t near the rioting otherwise it could have been a lot worse!!!

      I hope Sergei doesn’t shy away from the true, alcohol free fans who have more common sense and class than these idiots!!!

      As Rocket so eloquently stated in his comments, please forward our apologies and tell him how much the “good, loyal” Habs fan appreciate his great play this season.

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