Habs’ Checklist: 10 Things for 10 Games


    posted by Rocket

    The Montreal Canadiens are clinging to the eighth and final playoff spot with only ten games remaining in the season. Let’s set aside the centennial talk and the what if’s and what could have been. Here are ten ideas to help focus the Habs in their drive towards the playoffs.

    1. Bob Gainey: Challenge the veterans and give them the ice-time. They need responsibility and accountability.

    2. Players: Start the playoff beards! Every game is a must win. The baby-faced Sergei Kostitsyn and Greg Stewart are exempted.

    3. Administration: Move the team into a hotel for the home stand to minimize distractions and instill playoff mentality.

    4. Special Teams: Take over and dominate. Be the deciding factor in the outcome of remaining games.

    5. Fans: Express your displeasure ONLY if the Canadiens are officially eliminated from the playoffs. Until then, make sure to support the team unconditionally. Don’t be a negative influence and be a source of extra pressure during home games.

    6. Media: Act responsibly and with journalistic integrity. End agenda-driven stories. Alternatively the Canadiens should limit media conferences and open locker rooms. Pay the NHL fine. It’s worth it.

    7. Georges Laraque: Retire and start your media career or take a seat and shut up! You have issued more media statements than you have engaged in fights this year.

    8. Don Lever: Forget the French lessons to gain favor with the media. Nothing will ever be good enough for them. Instead, help coach this team into the playoffs and prove that you are the best candidate for the Habs’ head coaching position.

    9. Marketing Department: Enough with the special ceremonies and vintage jerseys. The focus should be on hockey.

    10. Doug Jarvis, Kirk Muller, Rollie Melanson, Pierre Boivin, Pierre Gauthier: Polish up your resumes. If my wishes come true you will all be looking for new jobs at the end of the season.


    1. Hey Sarah, thanks for the photo. Maybe Schneider is one of the few that can do the full playoff beard. Do you have a preference? You would rather see him clean shaven?

    2. Luckily, I don’t have to look at him as often as his wife, so I don’t really have a preference. =P

      But as first reaction, I think he looks pretty skeevy all bearded up.

      I keep mentioning that the one and only time he’s won a Stanley Cup, he didn’t have the hideous beard thing going. Since then, he’s done the hideous beard thing. Coincidence? Or is his freaky facial hair scaring the hockey gods?

    3. Awesome list…I especially like #5…I went to the last game against the NJ devils and was embarrassed when the fans started booing the Habs…Not a great fan moment if you ask me, utterly classless!!

    4. I’m personally hoping that #10 happens as well… Although for some reason I just don’t see Boivin going…..

    5. I’ll leave out whether I think some things are realistic or not, but I like the list a lot.

      I would also submit that the media needs to drop the “team for sale” story for now.

    6. “freaky facial hair scaring the hockey gods”

      That line is a gem and is worth repeating! Thanks for the smile Sarah.

    7. Really good point Sarahabana. The Bell Centre fans seem to have a hair-trigger ready and waiting to be critical. I would prefer if they showed some patience and class in their support rather than being so fair weather.

    8. I agree with you EP. I don’t expect Boivin to go. But a President is paid to smoothly guide the organization. I don’t think anyone can describe his comments about the next coach as smooth. He basically threw a hand grenade into a volatile situation.

    9. You are right Kyle. The list was not intended to be completely realistic.

      As far as dropping the ‘Habs for sale’ story, see my article on the subject. I agree completely.

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