Hab A Listen Podcast on Rocket Sports Radio | Montreal Canadiens Lineup Shuffle? Keith Kinkaid, Paul Byron, Around the NHL

ROCKET SPORTS MEDIA | TORONTO, ON. — Welcome to Hab A Listen via Rocket Sports Radio. This weekly podcast featured on All Habs Hockey Magazine provides listeners with raw, authentic sports information.
Hab A Listen on Rocket Sports Radio
Hab A Listen is hosted by Lewis & Gibby, two high-energy, amusing podcasters.
On Air
Check out a new episode of Hab A Listen every Thursday via All Habs Hockey Magazine for everything Habs, NHL news and sports information.
This Week’s Topics
Segment 1: News
- What has happened since we’ve been gone?
- Current Habs news
Segment 2: Habs Talk with Lewis & Gibby
- Keith Kinkaid – Are their concerns? Has Kinkaid cost the Habs points?
- Lineup shuffle – Should Habs break up the first line to create offence beyond the top trio?
- Paul Byron – Is there still a role for Paul?
- Around the League – Contenders and pretenders in the NHL
Segment 3: Last takes
- Gibby’s pole dancing, poll of the week
- Weekly Sports Picks
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