Fighting to be hockey’s flagship franchise


    An excerpt from the Hockey News article from Ryan Dixon:

    Montreal Canadiens

    They’re obviously the most Yankee-like in that they’ve won far more championships than anybody else. Had Montreal sprinkled one or two Cups in over the past 15 years, they’d be the runaway winner as hockey’s premier franchise.

    However, an extended period of mediocrity caused the Habs to lose their love-to-hate-them factor and that’s a key component in this assessment.

    There’s a hands-across-Canada movement these days that wants nothing more than to see the Cup return to its birthplace. That sentiment, and the fact the Habs were utterly benign for a long stretch, has changed the mentality of some fans from, “anybody but Montreal” to, “aw, it’d be good for hockey and fun to watch.”

    A 25th Stanley Cup in year 100 would not only resurrect the mythical torch in Montreal, but also restore the team’s lost status as hockey’s flagship franchise.