by Steven Ellis, Staff Writer,
OAKVILLE, ON — I have a story to tell.

A few months back, I helped clean out a home of an elderly couple house in preparation for an upcoming move. While sorting through things, I found a box labeled “Habs.” What could it possibly contain?
I knew that the man of the house was a big hockey fan, and had been most of his life — even now at the age of… well let’s just say that he is in his late 80’s. What I didn’t know and was to learn was that this hockey fan was a member of the practice squad of the Montreal Canadiens, back in the 1950’s!
Bill McClellan is his name, and despite there being almost no online records of him, he had a ton of pictures of himself along with greats such as Doug Harvey, Maurice Richard and Jacques Plante, all of whom he remembered as good friends. Not a bad contact list of friends!
It was a pleasure to spend time with Bill and listen to some of his memories. Which gave me an idea…
Which Habs related memory you would like to relive most? I would be very interested to read your answer, and I’m sure that readers would too. Please leave your best memory in the comment section.
I asked the All Habs fans from Twitter and Facebook, and here’s some of the responses. Wow, the Canadiens are just full of great history!
I’ll lead off with my opinion: I finally watched every game of the 1993 Cup Finals, and if all that could happen EVERY SINGLE YEAR, instead of this 2011-2012 junk, I think the world’s biggest hockey fan base would have nothing to complain about.
Rick Stephens: Can’t beat the Centennial game for emotion starting with Palchak dumping pucks on the ice and the legends warmup.
Sean Icon: ”and now a 24th Stanley Cup banner will hang from the rafters of the famous Forum in Montreal… The Canadiens win the Stanley Cup!!”
Greg Calci: The emergence of Patrick Roy in the 1985-86 playoffs and the amazing stick paddle diving save.
Andrew Figueiredo: The amazing 5-0 to 5-6 comeback against the Rangers a few years back.
Arshad Lasania: I know it isn’t the most important, but the 5-goal comeback vs the Rangers was so awesome.
Julian Di Raimondo: The 5-0 comeback against the Rangers. What a game that was!
Josh Shapiro: Downing the Caps and Pens in the playoffs. Especially the Caps, Halak was unreal.
Ben Martin : 1993 Stanley Cup finals game 7, wasn’t alive for it but I sure love seeing it over and over let’s hope we can relive the 2013 Stanley Cup finals this year with the Habs :p go habs go
Orenzo Porporino: 2013 Stanley Cup Finals XD but seriously I’d like to see the 5-0 comeback again
Rob Myatt: the “comeback” game vs NYR where Kovalev shone so bright.
Simon Servant: Game 5 of the 1993 Stanley Cup Finals. I was nearly 7 at the time. Would love to relive this at nearly 26.
Brian: The closing ceremony of the Forum. Didn’t want it to end.
Rich Savarie: I’d say Rocket’s ovation at closing of the Forum. Had me crying with pride and I wasn’t even there!
Alexandra Phillibert: Koivu’s return is one moment that I would love to relive the most!
Dayes: I know people have stopped loving Cammy, but I loved the Centennial game hattrick.
Habsterix: Any of the Stanley Cup championship wins.
Mario Levesque: Lots of people would relive Stanley Cup moments.. I’d like to relive the 6-5 victory over the Rangers back in 2008.
Kayla: in recent history, the five goal comeback victory vs the Rangers.
Joe T.: in my memory as a fan: the Desjardins hat-trick game in 1993 and the game Saku returned from cancer stand out.
Francis Rioux: 6-5 wins over the Rangers down 0-5!
Noah Goren: 2010 playoffs… For me it was the closest weve ever gotten to the cup, and was the most fun. Halak maniaaaa!
Thanks for all the responses! The Habs really do have an awesome, rich history!
Follow me on Twitter, @StevenEllisNHL.
I was a Nordiques fan in 1993, but I still watched the Habs entire Cup run that year. All those overtime wins were compelling.
But if I could relive any moment, it would be Saku’s return from cancer. It was touching and inspiring.
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