Fan Post: Montreal Canadiens are My Team, My Way of Life


All Habs Hockey Magazine is proud to provide a platform for young fans and writers to express their views on important issues. Today, on the opening night of the 2015-16 NHL season, we present the words of a passionate fan who explains what the Montreal Canadiens mean to her. Tell us what hockey means to you.


by Dorianne Ouellet, Guest Contributor, All Habs Hockey Magazine

MONTMAGNY, QC. — Guess what! Hockey is finally back!

Yeah, I know that a lot of people don’t care about hockey, but I do. And yes, I will probably post a bunch of pictures in my Habs jersey and maybe you will be tired of seeing all my posts.

But you know what?! I don’t care of what you think. If you don’t like it, then just keep rolling. Hockey makes me smile.

You may be wondering why someone can spend so much money for a ‘simple’ shirt with the logo of a team and the number and the name of a player on the back. Or maybe you are wondering how a person can spend so much money just to see two teams play against each other in person when you could just watch the game on your couch for free?

Well, it’s simple. That’s because hockey is not just a sport. It’s a way of life, a strong team spirit and a big family!

It might be crazy to think like that but it’s not for me. The Montreal Canadiens are my team, my colors.

That team is probably the only thing that can make me smile when I’m feeling down. I know this may sound weird for some of you, but it’s the truth!

The team is so freaking awesome and I’m always proud to wear my Habs shirt. I swear to you that if I could live at the Centre Bell, you’d never see me again. That place is MAGIC!

When all the fans are there to support their team, no matter what we believe, we are proud of them. The atmosphere is incredible and the money people spend to be there is so worth it.

I can’t wait to be back there, my second family, my second home.