Did the Islanders Marketing Team Go too Far?


It’s one thing for anti-Habs messages and images to appear on a fan blog, but quite another for it to be on a NHL team site. The image above is the current splash page on the official website of the New York Islanders.

Apparently the Islanders front office is frustrated that Canadiens fans consistently out number Isles fans at Habs road games at Nassau Coliseum. But, one wonders if slagging fans of another team is anything other than a cheap, desperate stunt to sell tickets?

What do you think Habs fans?  Anyone care for a Long Island Habs Tweetup?

Note: Regular readers will remember the rude and bigoted comments of an Islanders blogger and my response when Canadiens fans ‘invaded’ Long Island by the busload last December.

(h/t to @DavidPontbriand)


  1. I don’t care simply because it won’t work. Habs fans are still going to outnumber Isles fans. Its a bold move, appealing to whatever pride is left in the fanbase. The ad/plea is evidence of that.

  2. Ooooooooooooh…I’d love to organize THE biggest road trip – but they might limit tix to non-Habs fans (aren’t there places in the league that unofficially do that?).

    I think it’s utterly immature for them to have launched such an ugly campaign. Shame on them – let them get fans, and stop whining that we’re more popular even at their games!

  3. I think the thing that’s important to note here is that the Isles are not the only team that have done that. Remember the Flyers last year (or the year before) during the playoffs? They gave away orange shirts that said “Crush the Habs”. It’s not as dramatic, but it’s putting down another team to make yours look better. Same thing in Ottawa (I think?) when the Ottawa mascot was shown on the big screen during a game, throwing Youppie in the water… right after Gainey’s daughter died drowning.

    Bottom line is, the Habs do not need to do that, they never have and they never will. The fans are able to create all the rivalries themselves with a little help from the players and analysts. Why can’t the other teams do likewise? Why do they need to go so low?

    Say what you want about Montreal fans, but my guess is that the Fans here are the best in the business. They’re not perfect, but they’re hella better than the others for the organization.

  4. Very witty slogan. To quote our #1 goalie, chill out and give credit to someone in Long Island’s marketing department. The fact that there’s a need to try to manipulate Islander fans just illustrates how strong a fan base the Hab’s have and how desperate they are to boost their own.

  5. This plan by the isles marketing team is going to backfire and result in an even bigger show of force by the red white and blue fanbase just to piss the isles off.

  6. I think something like this from the fans…no, it’s expected. But for the teams actual web site, yes. It is going too far. If they are so frustrated with the lack of fans at their own teams home games….do something to rally your own fans….but don’t pull crap like this. It’s in poor taste. Besides….the Islanders have to face those fans in Montreal the day before the HABS play in N.Y. Good luck Islanders….HABS fans are passionate…..we LOVE OUR TEAM & THE PLAYERS…..we are a big unit of fans….DEAL WITH IT!

    I wish I could load the picture I just made for the Islanders….I have it on my facebook wall.

  7. Is anyone familiar with the Barbara Streisand Effect?

    In a nutshell, she freaked out when pictures of her home were published, and went public with her anger. Guess what happened? Countless more people then went to her place and published pictures in print and on the web. If she had just stayed quiet, the whole thing probably would have blown over. This is very similar to what the Islanders are doing now.

    This very well could mean that even more Habs fans than normal show up in Long Island. Perhaps that’s what the Isles want, since their own fans won’t pay for tickets, but its even more embarassing for them.

    Maybe they figure they can’t lose; either Habs fans fill their coffers, or stay away, in which case the Islanders claim victory in “defending their turf”. Except everyone will still know that the arena is half empty.

    Well played Islanders. Way to learn nothing.


  8. I think that if they want to try and build a rivalry, why not focus on teams? There has to be a reason why watching the Canadiens play the Islanders is going to be interesting. Every team has normal fans and not-so-lovable fans. A great effort, and obviously it’s got people talking, but I just don’t feel like there’s much substance behind it.

  9. Wow. I feel like I’m the only one who loves the campaign. From a marketing perspective, it’s an excellent, excellent idea.

    It makes Isles fans want to go out of a sense of pride in their team, and it makes Habs fans want to go just to spite the ad campaign.

    And we’re not the first targets… I looked for a screenshot all over the place for my own blogpost in vain, but I know they had a similar splash page for an Avalanche visit a few games ago.

    I think it’s amazing from the selling tickets perspective. And I’m a little confused as to why Habs fans are so bothered by it. I laughed. A lot.

    Frankie say ‘Relax.’ Pricey say ‘Relax.’ Theactivestick say ‘laugh. It’s funny.’

  10. If you want to know how i feel (which you probably don’t LOL), just read theactivestick’s comment right before mine. Could not agree more.

  11. From my perspective, I don’t find the Islanders promotion clever or amusing. Whether it turns out to be effective or not is irrelevant.

    There are 1000 different ways that they Isles could have chosen to sell tickets. Perhaps they have tried 999 and failed each time. But they have crossed a line in a way that I don’t recall seeing before.

    Yes, we have seen promotions that focus on the opposition team as pluc mentioned. We have also seen ads that poke fun in a good-natured way at opposition fans such as Boston’s “Don’t date within the division.”

    But this ad targets Habs fans specifically saying Habs fans aren’t welcome…in other words, let’s create an inhospitable atmosphere for Habs fans.

    As others have said it is putting down opposition fans to promote the team. It’s something common for a hobby blog, but is this something that the Islanders website should be doing?

    When Habs fans are verbally or physically assaulted at TD Garden or the Wachovia Center, we preach respect.

    Here we have the Islanders organization giving permission to disrespect Habs fans in the building they run.

    The choice of a circle with a line through it superimposed on Habs fans depersonalizes them.

    If Habs marketing VP Ray Lalonde invited Canadiens fans to disrespect Isles fans by booing their anthem, I would be equally outraged.

    As I have said before I hate the (insert rival:Leafs, Bruins, Flyers) but love the rivalry. It allows for passionate but respectful debates with Bruins fans like friends Doug Watson or Sarah Connors.

    NHL franchises are free to promote rivalries but should do so without disrespecting opposition fanbases.

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