Coaching Questions from Unlikely Sources



It’s interesting being ‘on the dark side’. That’s what it feels like sometimes. But truly I just call ’em as I see ’em. After I post an article, it’s the easiest thing in the world for anyone to criticize me by saying that I have a bias against a certain group of people. It’s easy cause once it’s written, there isn’t a compulsion to back up the statement with facts or statistics.

The truth is I don’t care whether a player (or a coach) is Canadian, Russian, American, Finnish, Danish or even from Pluto. Like fans in many other cities, and of many other sports, I want a winner no matter the origins of the athletes.

I was lukewarm to the hiring of Guy Carbonneau as coach of the Montreal Canadiens. My concern was simply his lack of experience behind the bench and what I perceived as his lack of interest in coaching. Initially I gave him a lot of leeway. I have even called him a decent coach on this blog. But my opinion has been in decline the more I see.

Apparently I’m not on an island anymore. Questions are being raised about Carbonneau’s lack of preparation and an effective game plan. In his article titled “Questions to Ponder…” Habster very correctly mentioned Carbo’s inability to make adjustments (both pre-game and in-game). Even BB wants Carbonneau to make some changes. Welcome to the dark side!

Now Mike Boone, one of Montreal’s most ‘politically correct’ writers is raising some concerns. While he is still too timid to identify Carbonneau directly, Boone writes about being in a chess match where our guy (Carbo)who manipulates the pieces, only knows how to play checkers. He also mentions the lack of strategic adjustments and the predictability of the powerplay. These are pars of the game that are within the control of the head coach.

Carbonneau is quick to deflect the blame to his players (who I acknowledge deserve their fair share of responsibility) and send his buddies in the media in the direction of his latest scapegoat. But some sceptical eyes are starting to turn towards Guy Carbonneau wondering whether he is the right fit for this very talented team.


  1. Uuuuhhh…the team had it’s best season in 15 years in 2007-2008. Led the league in offense, I believe.

    Mike Boone is an old woman clucking her gums worrying about things that haven’t happened yet.

  2. Rob, I can’t disagree with your comment about Boone…but not sure I would be more patient with the offense waiting for them to be inspired by the ghosts of last year. That would only work if the rest of the league was static. And that’s not the case. Other teams have figured out the Canadiens attack. A good coach would have adjusted by now.

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