Canadiens: Molson to Take Over from Boivin

Monday, 05.07.2010 / 3:30 PM / News
Montreal Canadiens
MONTREAL — The Board of Directors of CH Group, the holding company that owns the Club de hockey Canadien, the Bell Centre and evenko, announced Monday that it has adopted a succession plan to ensure a smooth transition in its corporate leadership at the conclusion of the next fiscal year, on June 30, 2011. This is in accordance with Mr. Geoff Molson’s decision to assume the position of President and Chief Executive Officer.
The plan calls for Mr. Pierre Boivin to stay on as President and CEO of Club de hockey Canadien and evenko until the end of the transition period. He will work closely with Mr. Molson, who will assume Mr. Boivin’s duties on June 30, 2011.
Mr. Geoff Molson, Chairman of CH Group, underscored the importance of Pierre Boivin’s contribution to the organization’s success.
“From the moment he was hired by Molson Inc., eleven years ago, Pierre undertook to transform the organization by modernizing it, developing fan passion and loyalty, particularly through the team’s centennial celebrations, and creating value in all of our sports and entertainment operations,” Geoff Molson stated. “We have been able to count on his loyalty and unfailing support since we purchased the team and both the Board of Directors and I greatly appreciate being able to rely on his expertise, experience and cooperation during the coming year to ensure that our plan is executed successfully. To this end, we have invited Pierre, and he has accepted, to join the board of directors of CH Group.”
For his part, Mr. Boivin underlined his attachment to the organization. “Ever since I took on the management of the Montreal Canadiens and related businesses, I have had the privilege of working with owners and employees who were passionate about hockey and entertainment, committed to the team’s success, respectful of our fans and the entire community, and determined to create a unique experience for our patrons at the Bell Centre. The confidence and unflagging support of our owners combined with the skills and commitment of all of our employees allowed our organization to achieve ever more ambitious goals.”

Related story — Montreal Canadiens: Mediocrity from the Top Down


  1. Isn't it interesting that once the money making efforts of the centennial are done, Boivin is being replaced/stepping down?

    Let's hope Geoff Molson gets it right. Boivin did a great job of turning a generation of fans that don't know les glorieux save from old photos and video in to a fervent loyal bunch. Kudos on that. Now's lets hope that everything centers around the team's on-ice success.

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