Bulldogs medical staff perform mock "Cherepanov" scenario


    Here’s an excerpt from the Hamilton Spectator article by Garry McKay who observed the training sessions done by the Hamilton Bulldogs training staff. As McKay states in his article, let’s hope they don’t have to ever use their medical training, but it’s nice to know they are well prepared if the situation arises.

    Although the training session at Copps Coliseum had been planned for some time, it took on added significance in the wake of the tragic incident in Moscow on Oct. 14 when rising star Alexei Cherepanov, 19, collapsed and died of heart failure during a Continental Hockey League game.

    Sheridan athletic therapy student Brian Truman portrayed the Bulldogs hockey player in full gear who collapsed on the bench. Dogs athletic therapist Luc Leblanc and strength and conditioning co-ordinator Darren McConaghy immediately sprung into action, cutting off the player’s sweater and determining within seconds he had no heartbeat.