Bruins Practice update


    Boston Globe:
    Posted by Fluto Shinzawa, Globe Staff April 8, 2008 01:21 PM:

    Marc Savard made it through today’s Bruins practice and has been cleared for full contact tomorrow.
    “It felt great,” Savard said of today’s session. “Speed felt good. Shooting felt good. Everything feels great. Next step is obviously contact tomorrow.”
    Patrice Bergeron made it through his first full-length, full-contact practice, taking several shots from Aaron Ward. Bergeron said he felt good, although he said he wanted to take more hits to test himself.
    “I have to adjust to the speed of the drills and game speed,” said Bergeron.

    Posted by Fluto Shinzawa, Globe Staff April 8, 2008 12:12 PM:

    Marc Savard is moving well although he’s not taking hits.
    Aaron Ward delivered a healthy shot to Patrice Bergeron around the net.

    Just a small reminder to any new reader to All Habs, we (Rocket and I) occasionally copy and paste from various newspapers. When we do this, we will always specific the author’s name, source of the information and paste the wording in bold blue lettering to distinguish our writing from the author’s words. The site can also be accessed by clicking on the above title……….just thought a little reminder was in order. Now back to hockey related stuff……..

    It would be a huge offensive boost if the Bruins could get their top playmaking center (Marc Savard) back into the lineup. Add in the possibility of Patrice Bergeron playing in game 3 or 4 and the Bruins would have some much needed offensive punch back in the lineup…….though I’m not sure how productive Bergeron would be after such a long time away from the rink. I just hope he doesn’t rush things before he’s actually ready.