Brisebois back for another year



    “I’m really excited to be back with the team,” said Brisebois. “The team is celebrating 100 seasons, I’m 53 games away from 1,000, and there’s so much more that’s going on this year that I really want to be a part of.

    “We’re happy to have him back,” said Gainey. “He’s a Montrealer, he’s spent most of his career here, he’s got skills and he wants to be here. We’re lucky to be able to call on a guy like that.”

    “I really wanted to be back with the Canadiens,” admitted Brisebois. “I still love what I do, and I still have the drive and the passion to win. And with the additions of Robert Lang, Alex Tanguay and Georges Laraque, we’ve added lots of experience and the young guys have the experience too. We’re in a great position to go even further this year.”